
IrefIndex (Interaction Reference Index) provides an index of protein interactions available in a number of primary interaction databases including BIND, BioGRID, CORUM, DIP, HPRD, IntAct, MINT, MPact, MPPI and OPHID. This index includes multiple interaction types including physical and genetic (mapped to their corresponding protein products) as determined by a multitude of methods.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author Bio2RDF
Version 2014-06-22
Last Updated July 30, 2016, 07:29 (UTC)
Created July 30, 2014, 17:49 (UTC)
links:bio2rdf-bind 86152
links:bio2rdf-biogrid 431705
links:bio2rdf-cygd 4841
links:bio2rdf-dip 74728
links:bio2rdf-flybase 242
links:bio2rdf-genbank 34072
links:bio2rdf-hprd 1
links:bio2rdf-i2d 1
links:bio2rdf-innatedb 8059
links:bio2rdf-intact 269147
links:bio2rdf-ipi 17
links:bio2rdf-irefindex 24
links:bio2rdf-matrixdb 221
links:bio2rdf-mi 277
links:bio2rdf-mips 16309
links:bio2rdf-ncbigene 71328
links:bio2rdf-pdb 5689
links:bio2rdf-pubmed 66812
links:bio2rdf-refseq 56098
links:bio2rdf-sgd 819
links:bio2rdf-taxonomy 2030
links:bio2rdf-uniprot 88312
triples 48781511
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