Drug Data from the Health Insurance Fund of Macedonia

Linked Open Drug Data from the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia.

The dataset provides data about the referent (nominal) prices of drugs in Macedonia, along with the generic drug name, brand name, packaging, manufacturer, etc. The drugs from the dataset are linked among themselves with a "similar to" relation, and with an "owl:seeAlso" relation with corresponding drugs from the DrugBank dataset. Both relations are based on the drug ATC code.

The drug data from the Fund is described using a custom HIFM ontology, along with relations from the DrugBank dataset.

For more info on the dataset, please refer to this paper.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Milos Jovanovik
Maintainer Milos Jovanovik
Last Updated April 17, 2015, 11:09 (UTC)
Created July 8, 2013, 15:45 (UTC)
Version 2013-06
links:fu-berlin-drugbank 1015
namespace http://purl.org/net/hifm/data#
shortname HIFM Drug Data
sparql_graph_name http://linkeddata.finki.ukim.mk/lod/data/hifm#
triples 21233
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