eagle-i @ Howard University

Groundbreaking biomedical research requires access to cutting edge scientific resources; however such resources are often invisible beyond the laboratories or universities where they were developed. eagle-i is a national research resource discovery platform to help biomedical scientists search for and find previously invisible, but highly valuable, resources. Resource descriptions collected at each participating institution are freely available as linked open data. See: http://www.eagle-i.net/

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://howard.eagle-i.net
Author The eagle-i Network
Maintainer The eagle-i Network
Last Updated October 10, 2013, 20:45 (UTC)
Created September 5, 2012, 20:18 (UTC)
links:bioportal-ero 17
links:bioportal-obi 9
links:bioportal-vivo 6
namespace http://howard.eagle-i.net/i/
shortname eagle-i-howard
sparql-graph-name http://eagle-i.org/ont/repo/1.0/NG_Published
triples 400
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