Ex-European Chemicals Bureau : New Chemicals - No-Longer Polymers (NLP).



Within the scheme of the notification of new substances (Directive 67/548/EEC) polymers are subject to special rules. The term polymer was further defined in the 7th amendment (92/32/EEC) of the Directive. This change means that some substances which were considered to be polymers under the reporting rules when the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) was being established are no longer considered to be polymers under the 7th amendment.

Polymers were not reportable for EINECS. As all substances which are not present in the EINECS inventory are notifiable, all "no-longer polymers" should in theory be notified.

However, at the time when the 7th amendment was adopted, the Council of Ministers made it clear that these no-longer polymers should not, retrospectively, become subject to notification. To facilitate the work of national Competent Authorities and the industry the Commission was requested to draw up a list of no-longer polymers.

Substances to be included in this list have been on the EU market between September 18, 1981, and October 31, 1993 and satisfy the requirement that they were considered to be polymers under the reporting rules for EINECS but are no longer considered to be polymers under the 7th amendment. Therefore to create the no-longer polymer list industry was asked to submit their candidates. The attached list is based on these submissions.


List available in PDF format at:

Fields include:

  • No Longer Polymers (NLP) number
  • CAS Registry Number (CASRN)
  • Chemical name


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Field Value
Source http://ecb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/new-chemicals/no-longer-polymers/
Last Updated October 10, 2013, 20:52 (UTC)
Created April 28, 2009, 17:42 (UTC)
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