Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Linked Data
Data and Resources
SPARQL Endpointapi/sparql
No description for this resource
A VoID Description of the frb.270a.info dataset
RDF Schemameta/rdf-schema
Schema and metadata used for all of the data in the FRB dataset
FRB DatasetsRDF
FRB Datasets which contain the statistical observations
Example RDF/XMLexample/rdf+xml
Example RDF/XML of a dataset which contains statistical observations.
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Author | Sarven Capadisli |
Maintainer | Sarven Capadisli |
Last Updated | April 23, 2014, 13:31 (UTC) |
Created | April 23, 2014, 12:54 (UTC) |
Source | http://frb.270a.info/ |
State | active |
Version | 2014 |
links:dbpedia | 280 |
links:ecb-linked-data | 276 |
links:nasa | 276 |
links:oecd-linked-data | 34 |
links:uis-linked-data | 280 |
links:world-bank-linked-data | 280 |
namespace | http://frb.270a.info/dataset/ |
shortname | frb.270a.info |
triples | 185300000 |
url | http://frb.270a.info/ |
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