Gemeenschappelijke Thesaurus Audiovisuele Archieven ? Common Thesaurus Audiovisual Archives

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision is the Dutch archive for public broadcast television. They employ the GTAA, which is a Dutch acronym for Common Thesaurus [for] Audiovisual Archives, to index and disclose their audiovisual documents.

The GTAA closely follows the ISO-2788 standard for thesaurus structures. The thesaurus consists of several facets for describing TV programs: subjects; people mentioned; named entities (Corporation names, music bands etc); locations; genres; makers and presentators.

The GTAA contains approximately 160.000 terms: ~3800 Subjects, ~97.000 Persons, ~27.000 Names, ~14.000 Locations, 113 Genres and ~18.000 Makers, and is continually updated as new concepts emerge on TV.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Johan Oomen
Version August 25, 2010
Last Updated March 29, 2022, 19:19 (UTC)
Created September 19, 2010, 16:25 (UTC)
links:dbpedia 25844
shortname GTAA
triples 992797
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