NTNU special collections

The digitized historical manuscripts held in the special collections of the Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU).

The data is a catalogue of manuscripts held by NTNU and these are catalogued directly as RDF.

The data is the usage catalogue for the Gunnerus Library Special Collections, and drives their web presences. The data is under constant development and the dataset is growing, and must be seen as unstable. Links to fulltext will be added as these are digitized

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source http://api.talis.com/stores/gunnbib-digitalmanuskripter
Author NTNU University library
Last Updated July 30, 2016, 07:51 (UTC)
Created July 14, 2011, 09:44 (UTC)
links:dewey_decimal_classification 239
links:geonames-semantic-web 323
links:lcsh 292
links:radatana 47
namespace http://www.ntnu.no/ub/digital/
shortname ntnusc
triples 3569
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