Official Development Assistance to Mozambique Database (ODAmoz)

ODAmoz is the online database of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from development partners to Mozambique.


The database was created in response to the Paris Declaration advocating for strengthened coordination and harmonization among Donors and alignment with the Government of Mozambique. The overarching purpose of the database is to improve coordination & harmonization among Donors and to provide essential information for donors and the Government of Mozambique with a snapshot of Donor development assistance programs and projects. The database will serve as an electronic tool to view and update the data, and generate reports in the form of tables and geographic maps that can be printed or posted on a website.

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Author OKFN
Maintainer OKFN
Version 1.0
Last Updated October 10, 2013, 23:12 (UTC)
Created March 11, 2010, 18:10 (UTC)
Download URL
Language en, pt
Size 2078 projects
accessibility_notes Easy and intuitive. Export to Excel failed on repeated attempts- this needs to be looked in to. Website in Portugese or English. Performance and appearance of the web application is best by using Microsoft's browser Internet Explorer.
all_data_one_file Yes
all_fields_exportable Yes
broken_down_by_sector Yes
commitments Yes
completeness_notes Earliest start date is 1994, but could well be missing projects completed before 2007 when the data was first collected.
custom_reports Yes
data_fields Agency, Project number, Moz Project Number, Project name, Project description, Contact person, Total Amount, Total Disbursed, Undisbursed funds, Funds for 2006, Funds for 2007, Funds for 2008, Funds for 2009, Funds for 2010, Funds for 2011, Funds for 2012, Start date, End date, Sector, Internet link, MDG Goals, Location, Executing agency, Funding Type, Project Status, Donor/Partner, Beneficiary, Last Updated
data_first_collected 2007
data_level Project
data_model Development Gateway
database_type Recipient
details The database was created in response to the Paris Declaration advocating for strengthened coordination and harmonization among Donors and alignment with the Government of Mozambique. The overarching purpose of the database is to improve coordination & harmonization among Donors and to provide essential information for donors and the Government of Mozambique with a snapshot of Donor development assistance programs and projects. The database will serve as an electronic tool to view and update the data, and generate reports in the form of tables and geographic maps that can be printed or posted on a website.
development Yes
disbursements Yes
documents Yes
donor_type Bilateral, Multilateral
donors African Development Bank, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, European Commission, Finland, France, Flanders, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, MCC, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USAID, World Bank, United Nations
export_formats Excel
exportable Yes
funding European Commission, United Nations, Royal Embassy of the Netherlands in Mozambique
graphing_tools No
humanitarian Yes
license License Not Specified
license_notes No info
official_reports Yes (PDF donor atlas, Excel quarterly reviews)
operator MPD/DIC (EC contractor)
overview ODAmoz is the online database of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from development partners to Mozambique.
owner Mozambique Government
period_covered 1994-present
pipeline Yes
primary_sources Yes
quality_control Yes
recipients Mozambique
search_feature No
sectors DAC sectors, MDG
source_frequency Unknown
source_location Donors
source_method Unknown
sourcing_notes Quality control by MPD/DIC, the EC contractor who designed the database
standard_notes Millenium gateway complient. DAC and MDG sectors.
status Ongoing
subsectors Yes
support ODAmoz manual
title Official Development Assistance to Mozambique Database (ODAmoz)
unique_id mozambique-oda-database
which_arent n/a
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