CiteSeer (Research Index) (RKBExplorer)
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Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Author | Hugh Glaser |
Last Updated | July 30, 2016, 07:54 (UTC) |
Created | August 22, 2010, 20:21 (UTC) |
links:dbpedia | 1 |
links:rkb-explorer-acm | 187741 |
links:rkb-explorer-budapest | 57 |
links:rkb-explorer-courseware | 1 |
links:rkb-explorer-curriculum | 3 |
links:rkb-explorer-dblp | 231920 |
links:rkb-explorer-deploy | 1 |
links:rkb-explorer-dotac | 12572 |
links:rkb-explorer-eprints | 104693 |
links:rkb-explorer-eurecom | 3 |
links:rkb-explorer-ibm | 218 |
links:rkb-explorer-ieee | 932 |
links:rkb-explorer-irit | 528 |
links:rkb-explorer-kisti | 149281 |
links:rkb-explorer-laas | 99 |
links:rkb-explorer-newcastle | 558 |
links:rkb-explorer-nsf | 10 |
links:rkb-explorer-oai | 227149 |
links:rkb-explorer-pisa | 34 |
links:rkb-explorer-rae2001 | 5022 |
links:rkb-explorer-resex | 6 |
links:rkb-explorer-risks | 11 |
links:rkb-explorer-roma | 23 |
links:rkb-explorer-southampton | 1763 |
links:rkb-explorer-ulm | 15 |
links:rkb-explorer-wiki | 16 |
links:southampton-ecs-eprints | 15 |
namespace | |
shortname | CiteSeer (RKBExplorer) |
triples | 8146852 |
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