Spirituality Across Cultures and Languages- Data

These two SPSS datasets provide all data that were used in a study by MacDonald, Friedman, Brewczynski, Holland, Salagame, Mohan, Gubrij, & Cheong (2015) entitled "Spirituality as a Scientific Construct: Testing its Universality across Cultures and Languages." The dataset with the filename ESIMAIN.sav contains all item and scale level score information for the Expressions of Spirituality Inventory Revised (ESI-R) for 4004 cases across eight different countries. It also contains demographic information including age, sex, and religious affiliation. The second dataset with the filename ESISAL.sav contains item and scale level data for the Spirituality Adjective List (SAL) and the scale scores for the ESI-R for samples of respondents from three different countries (i.e., United States, Uganda, and India). For both datasets, all data are fully coded, labelled, and ready to use for reanalysis (this includes recoding of ESI-R items which were reverse scored- this is already done to the relevant items in the dataset).

Data and Resources

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Author Douglas A. MacDonald, Ph.D.
Maintainer Douglas A. MacDonald, Ph.D.
Last Updated February 4, 2022, 22:30 (UTC)
Created May 1, 2019, 21:09 (UTC)
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