
A proof-of-concept application was created to automatically cross-link publications that were written by the same person through harvesting linked open data from institution-based research networking systems. This is important because it (1) helps people identify related articles when exploring the biomedical literature, (2) gives scientists appropriate credit for the work they have done, and (3) makes it easier to find experts in a subject area.

This project was funded by NSF SciSIP Award #1238469, NIH grants 8UL1TR000170 and 1UL1TR001102, and Harvard University and its affiliated academic health centers.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Nick Benik, Timothy Lebo, Griffin M Weber
Last Updated August 4, 2015, 20:36 (UTC)
Created August 1, 2015, 20:48 (UTC)
Version 20150802
links:doi 23352
links:vivo-scripps-research-institute 50911
links:vivo-university-of-florida 1887251
links:vivo-weill-cornell-medical-college 542769
links:vivo-wustl 86301
shortname vivo2doi
triples 7073060
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