2000 U.S. Census in RDF (rdfabout.com)
2000 U.S. Census converted into over a billion RDF triples. Population statistics at various geographic levels, from the U.S. as a whole, down through states, counties,... -
Data exposed: Linked Clinical Trials Size of dump and data set: ~25 million triples as of April 2011. 4.8GB NTriples dump CC by-nc-sa license You are free to copy, distribute,... -
University of Plymouth Reading Lists
Search for lists, modules & courses Browse hierarchy | Recent changes -
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
Dewey.info is an experimental space for linked DDC data. The intention of the dewey.info prototype is to be a platform for Dewey data on the Web. Included as linked data are the... -
tags2con delicious
The tags2con dataset has been manually created by a group of human annotators that linked del.icio.us tags to their real meaning. A subset of a delicious dump has been used to... -
Didactalia, índice de recursos educativos para profesores, padres y alumnos (...
Didactalia.net is a K-12 global community and an storage place for teachers, students and parents to create, share and find open educational resources that has currently more...