NERC Vocabulary Server 2.0
The NERC Vocabulary Server provides access to lists of standardised terms that cover a broad spectrum of disciplines of relevance to the oceanographic and wider community. Using... -
Mathematics Subject Classification
The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010) as a Linked Open Dataset using SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System. The Mathematics Subject Classi?cation (MSC) is a... -
Dataset about geo-localized air quality monitoring stations in Basque Country. It also describes air quality observations from 2000 to 2013 (updated monthly). Data is available... -
Many vulnerabilities, attacks and controls semantic data of knowledge collected from OWASP, CWE and CAPEC communities. Our main objective is to improve the security that is... -
Semantic Library
Currently this site only contains a restricted set of information about popular fiction -
Munich Offener Haushalt
Bund Offener Haushalt shows the complex data Munich's budget. It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. part of package:offener-haushalt -
LinkedGeoData: Aerodromes
An excerpt of the LinkenGeoData-Live dataset containing Aerodromes and Airports as of 2012-01-12. -
Openflights Routes
The Openflights Routes dataset -
The Statistical Office of Cantabria (Instituto Cántabro de Estadística, ICANE) is the public agency in charge of production and diffusion of statistical data about all aspects... -
Feed Wrapper
Feedwrapper returns SIOC data for newsfeeds in RSS 1.0/2.0 and Atom feeds. Feedwrapper is based on the ROME RSS API. -
Bund Offener Haushalt
Bund Offener Haushalt shows the complex data of the german federal budget. It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. part of package:offener-haushalt -
Berlin Offener Haushalt
Bund Offener Haushalt shows the complex data of Berlin's budget. It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. part of package:offener-haushalt