Syntactic Reference Corpus of Medieval French (SRCMF)
The SRCMF contains the 15 Old French texts with about 280000 words. It has a high-quality manual annotation, based on a linguistically adequate dependency grammar. Annotation... -
AEMET metereological dataset
AemetLinked Data (.es) is an open initiative of the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) whose aim is to enrich the Web of Data with Spanish geospatial data. This initiative started... -
Linked Data Provenance for OPeNDAP data processing. -
Linked Open Computer Vision
Interconnecting computer vision datasets -
MusicBrainz (zitgist.com)
RDF for artists, records, performances etc., generated from package:musicbrainz. -
Yale Senselab
About Data exposed: Yale Senselab Size of dump and data set: 216 KB Notes: released without contract The Semantic Web development of SenseLab involves exporting data from... -
Linked Data Service der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Publishes RDF for a number of bibliographic resources: Bibliograhic data of the Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund (SWB) Bibliographic data of the Hessisches... -
Twitter Linked Data Service
The Twitter Linked Data Service (LIDS) is a wrapper for Twitter which implements (most of) the public Twitter API methods and makes them available for use with Linked Data. The... -
The View From
A set of data about photos of the view from various places -
Thesaurus W for Local Archives
This dataset includes four authority lists (subject headings, historical contexts, actions and document types) used to describe material in French local archives. -
Semantic Universe Data
Semantic Universe has begun producing linked data for its Enterprise Data World and Semantic Technology Conferences. With these as starting points, it is easy to start to... -
Semantic Web Dog Food Corpus
About Data exposed: Metadata (papers, presentations, people) for several semantic web related conferences and workshops, including the most recent ISWC, ESWC and WWW events.... -
Santillana Guide Dataset
The Santillana Guide dataset represents the content of the Santillana guide (owned by Prisa Digital) as Linked Data. The guide contains information about more than 1500 Spanish... -
This is one of several semantic repositories that contains and publishes RDF linked data and co-reference information, forming the underlying distributed storage model behind... -
OpenCyc (RKBExplorer)
This domain is different from most of the other rkbexplorer domains. Its sole purpose is to publish the coreference data from OpenCyc provided by David Baxter, from Cycorp Inc..... -
Fundação da Faculdade de Ciencas da Universidade de Lisboa (RKBExplorer)
This repository contains data supplied from Fundação da Faculdade de Ciencas da Universidade de Lisboa. -
This is a store that contains the email archive of the University of Southampton Digital Economy mailing list. It mostly uses the SIOC ontology. The mbox2rdf translator was... -
This site lists the ontology development work carried out during Stage 2 of the ResearchSpace Project by Seme4 Ltd. We present the CIDOC-CRM (RDFS, v5.0.2) with a modified... -
RDFohloh is a RDFizer of Ohloh. It provides Linked Data from Ohloh. Using content negotiation, the RDF data can be founded serialized in XHTML+RDFa, RDF/XML and N3, and... -
Public Record Office Victoria Semantic Wiki
Public Record Office Victoria is the archives of the State Government of Victoria, Australia. We hold approximately 100kms of records from the mid 1830s to today, which we... -
Ocean Drilling - dbSEABED
We are still in a development mode and working in particular and the namespace URI's and their hosting. So some elements here will change as we tweak responsibility for... -
Newsweek uses rdfa, foaf, in the articles describing authors and relationships. As the rss-feed is currently not working, they only provide their data in html, no other format.... -
MeSH pairs
Data exposed: NLM 2007 MeSH descriptor/qualifier pairs Size of dump and data set: 13 MB Openness: OPEN See http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/termscon.html (basically attribution with... -
Linked Open Commerce
LOC (Linked Open Commerce) is a collaboration of OpenLink Software, Hepp Research GmbH and Linktegration that delivers a structured Linked Data space on the Web for finding... -
D2R Server publishing the DBLP Bibliography Database, hosted at L3S Research Center