Sudoc bibliographic data
Source : Sudoc Sudoc is the French academic union catalogue, maintained by ABES Size : 10 millions bibliographic records Documentation Vocabularies : Dublin Core, FOAF, BIBO,... -
Eurostat in RDF (FU Berlin)
This dataset contains several statistical indicators for European countries and NUTS Level-2 Regions (NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). Most statistical... -
The Eurostat Linked Data
All Eurostat statistics, converted to RDF and re-published using Linked Data principles. This service is operated by DERI. For the license, see Eurostat's copyright policy. -
Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Dataset
The LAK dataset provides access to structured fulltext and metadata from key research publications in the field of learning analytics and educational data mining (see... -
Neurocommons text mining pilot
About The complete dataset is composed of a set of smaller datasets. Each download is in one of two formats: (1) WARC or (2) tar.gz. You can read about the WARC format by...