Embassies and consulates
A database of embassies and consulates. See https://github.com/nicolas-raoul/database-of-embassies -
Ruben Taelman's Data
Personal website of Ruben Taelman annotated with RDFa. -
Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
The GNIS contains information about physical and cultural geographic features in the United States and associated areas, both current and historical (not including roads and... -
Amtrak Routes
Amtrak Routes Amtrak Routes are a subset of the Railroad network. The Railroad network is a comprehensive database of the nation's railway system at 1:24,000 to 1:100,000 scale.... -
A wrapper for the Library of Congress' LCCN Permalink service which models the MARCXML output as linked data in RDF. -
Library of Congress Subject Headings
LCSH has been actively maintained since 1898 to catalog materials held at the Library of Congress. By virtue of cooperative cataloging other libraries around the United States... -
MARC Codes List
Currently provides the MARC codes (http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/) for languages, geographic areas, countries and forms of musical composition. -
Chronicling America
Chronicling America provides access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages. 140,000 newspapers, 3.2 million pages. Issues The statistics... -
Data Incubator: MusicBrainz
An RDF conversion of the PostgreSQL database dumps made available by the MusicBrainz project (package:musicbrainz) and hosted under the Talis Connected Commons scheme. It... -
Linked EDGAR (OntologyCentral)
Wrapper for SEC Edgar data, (which are the legal submissions, usually by publicly floated companies, to the Securities and Exchanges Commission, USA). Currently providing XBRL... -
GovTrack.us U.S Congress Legislative Data
U.S. Congress data including all Members of Congress since the beginning of the United States, legislative data including bills, sponsorship, roll call votes since around 1990. -
DBpedia in Portuguese
DBpedia Portuguese is being constructed by a working group to internationalize DBpedia to the Lusosphere. We are actively collaborating with the DBpedia Internationalization... -
Gene Expression Atlas RDF
The Gene Expression Atlas RDF provides information on gene expression patterns under different biological conditions. Gene expression data is re-analysed in-house to detect... -
Kidney and Urinary Pathway Knowledge Base
The KUPKB is a collection of omics datasets that have been extracted from scientific publications and other related renal databases. The iKUP browser provides a single point of... -
Ontology of lexical categories -
National Agricultural Library Thesaurus
The NAL Thesaurus is an online vocabulary tool of agricultural terms in English and Spanish and is cooperatively produced by the National Agricultural Library, USDA and the... -
Rijksmuseum Collection Data
The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam collection as Open Linked Data, modelled according the Europeana Data Model. -
Google Play statistics 201501
Google Play app statistics: installs, ratings, crashes. Per version, carrier, country, device, language, OS version. -
Annual Budget 2073-74
About yearly Budget -
CIS Annual Reports
Census Information Scheme Annual Reports -
This dataset contains the MASC 3.0 corpus, a large English corpus covering a wide range of genres of written and spoken text, enhanced with semantic annotations, both word... -
National Library of Russia BibCore Dataset
Dataset includes initial set of interlinked authority records at work, subject heading and personal name level, which is supposed to be expanded in future to represent catalogue... -
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes (BVMC) - Linked Open Data
The catalogue of the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes contains about 200,000 records which were originally created in compliance with the MARC21 standard. The database... -
BBC Forgotten Stories
The set of BBC stories removed from Google's search results under the EU's right to be forgotten legislation, scraped from the URLs provided in the BBC's blog post list and...