Where Does My Money Go? - Data
About From website: Our aim is to promote transparency and citizen engagement through the analysis and visualisation of information about UK public spending. Where Does My... -
South African National Budget
This dataset has no description
Sweden - Ministry of Finance - Budget
About Budget Statements from 2001 to present. Reuse No obvious link to copyright/legal statement or terms of re-use. -
this is sample budget -
Portugal - Ministério das Finanças e da Administração Pública - Budget
About Budget information and other economic information in PDF format - from 2007 to present. Reuse No information found. -
Polish Budget Data
Text Source: http://www.epsiplatform.eu/news/news/poland_opens_up_budget_data In Poland, a new site has launched sharing government budget data. For a visualisation contest... -
Poland - Ministry of Finance - Budget
About Ministry of Finance. Variety of material. Not clear where information related to budget is. Some financial and economic data in XLS and PDF is available at:... -
PFI Signed Projects List -- September 2009
This is a working document containing information on current signed PFI projects. It is updated on a 6-monthly basis to reflect the updates HM Treasury receives from Departments... -
Offener Haushalt
Offener Haushalt shows the complex data of several german budgets (federal, munich, berlin). It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. -
Netherlands - National Financial Annual Report
About National Financial Annual Reports in PDF format from 2005 to present. Reuse No information on terms of reuse found. -
Navarra - Presupuestos generales
This dataset has no description
Munich Offener Haushalt
Bund Offener Haushalt shows the complex data Munich's budget. It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. part of package:offener-haushalt -
Luxembourg - Ministère des Finances - Budget
About Budget documents from 2006 to present in PDF format. Reuse Reproduction permitted if attribution if given - but only for noncommercial purposes. Copyright notice states:... -
Ireland - Department of Finance - Budget Documents
About Budget documents from 1996 to present: http://www.budget.gov.ie/prevbudgets.html Format Range of formats. Earlier years in DOC/XLS and more recent years in PDF. Access... -
Hungary - Ministry of Finance - Budget
About Budget information in mix of HTML pages, XLS and DOC files. Ranges from 2003 to present. Reuse Noncommercial reproduction permitted with attribution. Copyright page says... -
France - Budget de l'État
About Budget information from 1996 to present. Reuse Mentions page says no reproduction is permitted without permission: Copie de pages de site : Toute copie de pages du site... -
Finland - Valtiovarainministeriö - Budget
About Budget information for Finland from 2003 to present. In PDF format. Full budget is published, but only in Finnish or Swedish: -
Eurostat - Government Finance Statistics (GFS) Data
About From website: The GFS template tables show, in an integrated way, government revenue, government expenditure, government deficit, transactions in assets, transactions in... -
European Union budget 2013
European Union budget 2013 -
EUROPA - Life Projects - Project Summary
About Overview from project home page: LIFE is the EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature conservation projects throughout the EU, as well as in some... -
EU - Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
About Overview from FADN home page: The Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) is an instrument for evaluating the income of agricultural holdings and the impacts of the Common... -
EuropeAid - Beneficiaries
About Overview: The European Commission is committed to guarantee full transparency on the beneficiaries of funds in line with the requirements of Article 30 of the Financial... -
European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) - Funding
About Overview from website: This section provides statistics on DG ECHO's contribution to assist the victims of humanitarian disasters worldwide. They are based on ECHO's... -
EU Cohesion Beneficiaries - Ireland
About Information on Beneficiaries of European Union Cohesion Policy in Ireland. See also: http://ckan.net/tag/read/eu-cohesion Access Main URL:... -
Beneficiaries of European Union Cohesion Policy
About Overview: All direct beneficiaries of European Cohesion policy have to be published by the Managing Authorities under the rules governing the implementation of the funds...