This repository contains data from the UK's EPSRC Grants on the Web Data, but only up to 2003. Thus it contains data about many scientific researchers in the UK, and the... -
Diverse Italian ReSIST Partner Institutions (RKBExplorer)
This repository contains data supplied from diverse Italian institutions. -
Open Data Communities - Lower layer Super Output Areas
This dataset describes the 'Lower layer Super Output Areas' used by the Office for National Statistics for many of its statistical outputs. Example resource:... -
Many vulnerabilities, attacks and controls semantic data of knowledge collected from OWASP, CWE and CAPEC communities. Our main objective is to improve the security that is... -
UN Hazardous Materials Numbers
UN Numbers are categories of harzardous materials. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_numbers for more details. -
Twitter Linked Data Service
The Twitter Linked Data Service (LIDS) is a wrapper for Twitter which implements (most of) the public Twitter API methods and makes them available for use with Linked Data. The... -
OpenUpLabs Transport
The Transport dataset is based on NapTan and traffic flow data. These datasets are compiled by the Department for Transport. Details on Transport data can be found at... -
Thesaurus Datenwissen
This service exposes the data from openthesaurus.de as Linked Data. -
The Cancer Genome Atlas
The RDF representation of TCGA was achieved by representing data elements from the TCGA dataset as statements from the S3DB Core Model (see S3DB Core Model for more information... -
Semantic Library
Currently this site only contains a restricted set of information about popular fiction -
This is one of several semantic repositories that contains and publishes RDF linked data and co-reference information, forming the underlying distributed storage model behind... -
OpenCyc (RKBExplorer)
This domain is different from most of the other rkbexplorer domains. Its sole purpose is to publish the coreference data from OpenCyc provided by David Baxter, from Cycorp Inc..... -
This co-reference store has been provided for use by the NoTube semantic television project. -
Fundação da Faculdade de Ciencas da Universidade de Lisboa (RKBExplorer)
This repository contains data supplied from Fundação da Faculdade de Ciencas da Universidade de Lisboa. -
This site lists the ontology development work carried out during Stage 2 of the ResearchSpace Project by Seme4 Ltd. We present the CIDOC-CRM (RDFS, v5.0.2) with a modified... -
Ravensburg Local Shopping Graph
The complete (99% of all points of interest), quality-controlled (60% updated within the last 4 weeks) GoodRelations-based description of shopping and trade in a major German... -
Offener Haushalt
Offener Haushalt shows the complex data of several german budgets (federal, munich, berlin). It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. -
Estimated mid-year population 2005
The estimated total population (male and female, all ages) for each Lower layer Super Output Area for mid-year 2005. -
Index of Multiple Deprivation Ranking, 2007
This dataset puts the 32,482 LSOAs into a rank order based on their 2007 IMD score. A rank of 1 is the most deprived. -
Index of Multiple Deprivation, Living Environment Deprivation Domain, Scores ...
This dataset contains the scores for the Living Environment Deprivation Domain of the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2010. This indicator measures the quality of individuals’... -
Norwegian geo-divisions
A dataset with Norwegian Administrative Divisions and their administrative centers. -
Munich Offener Haushalt
Bund Offener Haushalt shows the complex data Munich's budget. It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. part of package:offener-haushalt -
Finnish translation of mesh
MeSH is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus. It consists of sets of terms naming descriptors in a hierarchical structure that permits searching at... -
Linked Open Senate (linkedopendata.it)
Contractors and suppliers of the Senate of the Italian Republic in 2010. More details are available at http://www.linkedopendata.it/datasets/los The ontology is documented at... -
LinkedMarkMail is a simple Linked Data interface for accessing the MarkMail archives.