Fuel Poverty in Herefordshire (the proportion of households that are fuel poo...
The proportion of households that are fuel poor, measured as low income high cost. See Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy source data for estimated... -
% of pupils in Herefordshire achieving at least 2 substantial level 3 qualifi...
Overall the % of pupils who achieve at least 2 A Levels or equivalent Level 3 qualifications that year. The year given is the calendar year in which the relevant academic year ends -
Herefordshire Recycling (tonnes) 2006- 2016
These figures were provided by Herefordshire Council, sourced from the annual results for local authority collected waste in England (Department for Farming and Rural Affairs,... -
Herefordshire Household Waste 2006-2016
These figures were provided by Herefordshire Council, sourced from the annual results for local authority collected waste in England (Department for Farming and Rural Affairs,... -
Number of people in Herefordshire accepted as homeless
Number of homeless in Herefordshire 2011- 2015 (statutory definition) Sourced from Department for Communities and Local Government -
Young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) in Herefordshire...
Young People not in education, employment or training 2012-16 -
Employment rate in Herefordshire by year
Employment rate in Herefordshire by year from 2004 to 2014. Extracted and processed from the NOMIS service on 1 April 2016. A more detailed extract is also available. -
% of people aged 16-64 with no qualifications, Herefordshire by year
Extracted from NOMIS on 13 April 2017. -
Hourly Pollutant Files for Leominster - Automatic Urban Monitoring Network
Contains annual data for the Leominster Automatic Urban Monitoring Network station. Ozone, Nitricoxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide -
Healthy Life Expectancy at birth (female/male average) in Herefordshire 2009 ...
Healthy Life Expectancy at birth (females/male average) 2009 - 2014 -
Utilisation of outdoor space for exercise/health reasons in Herefordshire
The weighted estimate of the proportion of residents in Herefordshire taking a visit to the natural environment for health or exercise purposes. -
Self reported well being in Herefordshire - how satisfied people are with the...
Statistics on how satisfied people are with their lives. Sourced from PHOF (Public Health Outcomes Framework) -
Living Environment Deprivation Indicator for Herefordshire (quality of the lo...
The Living Environment Deprivation Domain measures the quality of the local environment. The indicator falls into two sub-domains. The ‘indoors’ living environment measures the... -
Ratio between living wage and lower quartile income
Community consultation asked us to use the non-statutory living wage as an indicator within our sustainable route map. It is hard to find definitive data on how many people were... -
3G coverage in Herefordshire
% of land with no 3G coverage from any network in Herefordshire -
Electric vehicle charging stations in Herefordshire
Information about electric vehicle charging points in Herefordshire. Many charging points are supported by Herefordshire Council but this data includes all charging stations... -
Road safety statistics in Herefordshire 2010-15
Statistics about the incidents and casualties on roads in . Sourced from https://www.gov.uk/government/statistical-data-sets/ras30-reported-casualties-in-road-accidents -
The affordability of housing
The ratio of house prices to earnings in the county: specifically the ratio of the lower quartile of house prices to the lower quartile of annual wages in Herefordshire per year -
% of pupils at Key Stage 4 achieving 5+ A*-C including English and Maths 2011...
Percentage of pupils at the end of key stage 4 achieving at GCSE and equivalents: 5+ A*-C grades including English and mathematics GCSEs... -
Domestic energy consumption in Herefordshire 2005-2014
Domestic energy consumption Department of Energy and Climate Change... -
Local sites in positive conservation management in herefordshire
Extracted from the ENV10 dataset published by Defra. No reports have been recorded for Herefordshire since the financial year ending March 2012. -
Summary of ecological status or potential in main rivers in Herefordshire
Derived from Environment Agency but with some processing. This is a summary of the status of points along the Rivers Wye, Lugg, Frome and Arrow in Herefordshire (measurements... -
Air Quality:Nitrogen Dioxide (N02) Emissions 2010 - 2015
Data sourced from Herefordshire Council's data sheets on Air Pollution site... -
Broadband data for Herefordshire
OfCom publishes annual reports into the availability and take up of fixed-line and mobile broadband across the UK. We can extracted some of the Herefordshire data from these...