Vehicle Plastic Parts Manufacturing Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying OFfice of Energy Efficiency -
Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying Office of Energy Efficiency -
Vehicle Metal Stamping Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying Office of Energy Efficiency -
Vector Map Level 0 (VMAP0) Product Canada
Digital data used for base mapping and to derive smaller scale maps by the National Atlas of Canada. -
Vector Indexes of the National Topographic System of Canada
The standard NTS numbering system shown on the NTS Index Grid allows users to locate a map and determine its coverage or quickly identify adjacent maps. These data indexes can... -
City of Vancouver Parking Meter Data
This package contains information on the rates and time limits for parking meters in the City. Information is shown at the block level rather than for the individual meter. DWG,... -
Urban Transit Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Sectors (Transportation, Buildings, Waste) Office of Energy Efficiency -
Upstream Mining Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying Office of Energy Efficiency -
Ungulate Winter Range
Impacts & Environmental Change => Forestry & Ecosystems Data released for the BC Apps for Climate Action contest. -
Truck Energy Use & GHG Emissions by Region
Energy & GHG Emissions => Sectors (Transportation, Buildings, Waste) Office of Energy Efficiency -
Transportation & Warehousing Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Sectors (Transportation, Buildings, Waste) Office of Energy Efficiency -
Transmission & Power Train Parts Manufacturing Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying Office Energy Efficiency -
TransLink Developer Resources
Energy & GHG Emissions => Sectors (Transportation, Buildings, Waste) Data released for the BC Apps for Climate Action contest. -
Traffic Counts
Energy & GHG Emissions => Sectors (Transportation, Buildings, Waste) Data released for the BC Apps for Climate Action contest. Attribution required: Credit The Capital... -
Total tornado occurrences per public forecast region
Impacts & Environmental Change => Weather & Climate Data released for the BC Apps for Climate Action contest. -
Total severe hail occurrences per public forecast region
Impacts & Environmental Change => Weather & Climate Data released for the BC Apps for Climate Action contest. -
Total number of heavy rainfall events grouped by public forecast regions
Impacts & Environmental Change => Weather & Climate Data released for the BC Apps for Climate Action contest. -
Total Households by Building Type & Principal Heating Energy Source
Energy & GHG Emissions => Sectors (Transportation, Buildings, Waste) Office of Energy Efficiency -
Toporama datasets are geo-referenced raster images that can be combined to cover an area of interest or serve as background data for various applications. This can be of... -
Tobacco Products Industries Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying Office of Energy Efficiency -
The State of Canada's Ecosystems in Maps
Work is proceeding on many fronts to protect Canada's ecosystems. Activities include establishing protected areas to help conserve ecosystems and implementing species and... -
Textile Products Mills Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying Office of Energy Efficiency -
Textile Mills Energy Use & GHG Emissions
Energy & GHG Emissions => Measuring & Inventorying -
Tactile Atlas of Canada; Thematic Tactile Atlas of Canada
The Tactile Maps of Canada collection is intended to provide Canadians with visual impairments a foundation for improving knowledge about space, the environment and geography,... -
Table of Extremes: Prairies
Impacts & Environmental Change => Weather & Climate Data released for the BC Apps for Climate Action contest.