National Radioactivity Stat as Linked Data
?????????????????????????????????????????????atmc.jp????????????1???2011-03-16?2012-03-15??RDF????????????????3?????????????? This is an experimantal RDF data of radioactivity... -
Scottish Mountaineering Council Journals Issues 1-36
This is a Linked Data representation of a digital archive of 'Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal Issues 1 to 36, 1890-1901', which was created by Alan Dawson, Centre for... -
Climb Dataincubator
A collection of data about climbing routes, crags, and mountains, screen-scraped from UKClimbing.com -
Airport data from Our Airports published as RDF
Description Data exposed: Information about airports, originally from package:ourairports, here re-published as RDF. Notes: Dump available by contact Issues The dataset does not... -
UK Postcodes
Linked data for every UK Postcode. License Content is licensed under the OS OpenData License -
RDFizing and Interlinking the EuroStat Data Set Effort
The statistical data published on riese was originally published by Eurostat. Openness: Open (?) About page has cc-by on page but not clear whether this applies to data. Page... -
Telegraphis Linked Data
Data exposed: Countries, continents, capitals, currencies collected from GeoNames and Wikipedia data. Size of dump and data set: <10k triples a piece Notes: Also has several... -
NUTS (GeoVocab)
The NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) is a classification defined by the Eurostat office of the European Union. Here we present the NUTS regions along... -
CTIC Public Dataset Catalogs
Overview of worldwide data catalogues. -
Geological Survey of Austria (GBA) - Thesaurus
The Thesaurus of the Geological Survey of Austria is a bilingual (de/en) controlled vocabulary for the semantic harmonisation of geoscientific map-based geodata. Currently there... -
OSM Semantic Network
The OSM Semantic Network is a Semantic Web resource extracted from the OpenStreetMap Wiki website, encoded as a SKOS vocabulary. It contains a machine-readable representation of... -
This dataset has no description
It's a kind of database, kind of review site, used for documenting interesting places in London. Our major obsessions are pubs, restaurants, cafes, bookshops, and museums. We're... -
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
Linked Open Piracy
Maritime piracy event descriptions from the International Chamber of Commerce International Maritime Bureau Accessing the dataset SPARQL query form No dereferenceable URIs for... -
This dataset has no description
FAO geopolitical ontology
The FAO geopolitical ontology provides a master reference for geopolitical information, as it manages names in multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese,... -
Registered demonstrators movies
List of registered demonstrators films on the Russian Federation territory, indicating their location and accessories for cinema networks with an indication of the last date of... -
The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names® (TGN) is a structured vocabulary of geographic names intended to provide terminology and other information important to various diciplines... -
Linked Logainm
Linked Logainm is a collaborative project undertaken by the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI), the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Fiontar at Dublin City... -
This dataset contains data obtained through an automatic extraction process from Aragopedia (http://opendata.aragon.es/aragopedia/), and contains information about all the... -
Linked Crowdsourced Data
Linked Crowdsourced Data is - as the name implies - a crowdsourced dataset for real user location preferences. People using the CDCApp contribute to this dataset by checking... -
The OpenMobileNetwork is a dataset for mobile networks and devices, which is semantically modeled using the Linked Data principles. It provides structured RDF data describing... -
Sanskrit English Lexicon
A Lexicon of Sanskrit to English