A wrapper for the Library of Congress' LCCN Permalink service which models the MARCXML output as linked data in RDF. -
lobid-Bibliographic Resources
lobid-resources is a service which offers access to metadata in RDF about bibliographic resources (books, articles, pdfs etc.) with more than 19 million frbr:manifestations with... -
MARC Codes List
Currently provides the MARC codes (http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/) for languages, geographic areas, countries and forms of musical composition. -
Source : Calames Calames is the French academic union catalogue of archives and manuscripts, maintained by ABES Licensing : not yet, but will be as open as possible NB : in... -
lobid-organisation is an Index of libraries and related organisations It provides URIs for > 44 k library-organisations and museums.The URIs are based on the existing and... -
ZBW Labs
ZBW Labs projects exposed as Linked Open Data. ZBW Labs gives you insight into some of the latest software developments of ZBW Leibniz Information Cenre for Economis. Through... -
20th Century Press Archives
During the entire 20th century, the press archives now held at the German National Library of Economics (ZBW) - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics have compiled more than...