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AZZU města Brna
Aktivní zóna záplavového území na území města Brna ve formátu JSON. Dostupné i přes http://gis.brno.cz/arcgis/rest/services/PUBLIC/zaplavova_uzemi/MapServer/2 -
Volební okrsky města Brna JSON
Polygony volebních okrsků města Brna (z dat RUIAN) ve formátu .JSON. -
This dataset contains the conversion of the Italian SIMPLE lexicon in different formats including RDF, TTL and a Lemon version of lexical entries with their pointers to senses. -
San Francisco State University A to Z department listing
Web Sites, emails and phone numbers for SF State departments -
test -
This dataset has no description
Salzburgerland Tourismus
The Salzburgerland Tourismus dataset contains all the relevant data related to events, accommodations, local businesses, and more in Salzburgerland, Austria. The full dataset... -
Kommunegrenser - MaPit
MaPit er en database og webservice som inneholder data om administrative områder (kommunegrenser). Tjenesten drives av Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) og MySociety. Den er... -
This dataset has no description
Tutti i dati nel portale BENECOMUNE sono rilasciati in formato OPEN DATA CC BY-SA che permette di distribuire, modificare, creare opere derivate dall’originale, anche a scopi... -
Open Integrity Index
Open Integrity Index helps Internet users who need secure and private tools make better informed choices about technology. It also guides developers to design and develop tools... -
Tribunal de Contas dos Municípios do Estado do Ceará - Portal da Transparência
Licenciamento dos dados: Não está especificado. Todavia, o texto na página incentiva o reuso. -
Number of School in Nepal from the year 2007 - 2011
This dataset includes the number of schools in Nepal from the year 2007 to the year 2011. This data was collected by students from Institute of Engineering, Pulchwk Campus... -
Number of Students in Nepal from the year 2007 - 2011
This dataset includes the number of students in Nepal from the year 2007 to the year 2011. There are data for number of male and female students. This data was collected by... -
Number of Teachers in Nepal from the year 2007 - 2012
This dataset includes the number of teachers in Nepal from the year 2007 to the year 2012. This data was collected by students from Institute of Engineering, Pulchwk Campus... -
Migrant remittance outflow from Nepal 2012
This data includes migrant remittance outflows (US$ million) from 1993 to 2012. In which, migrant remittance outflow is estimated by worker's remittance, compensation of... -
Total Number of Student by Level 2012/13
The dataset includes total number of student by level for 2012/13. Here level are further categorized as primary level= grades 1-5, lower secondary level = grades 6-8, secondary... -
Total number of all types of community schools by grade 2012/13
The dataset includes total number of community schools by grades for 2013. Here, community schools is further classified as community-aided, community managed and community... -
Total number of institutional schools by grade 2012/2013
The dataset includes total number of institutional schools by grade 2012/13. Here, institutional schools refers to the private schools supported by founders, parents and... -
Education Level wise Net Enrolment Rate (2012-13)
The dataset includes education level wise net enrolment rate such as primary(1-5), lower secondary (6-8), basic (1-8), secondary (6-8), higher secondary (9-10) and secondary... -
Primary Level Girls and Boys Enrolment (2012-2013)
This dataset includes primary level girls and boys enrollment number. The dataset is extracted from Flash I Report (2012-13) from department of education... -
Secondary level Girls and Boys Enrolment Number (2012/13)
The dataset comprises of secondary level girls and boys enrolment number for 2012/13. The data is extracted from Flash I Report (2069) 2012-13 published by Department of... -
Lower Secondary Girls and Boys Enrolment Number (2012/13)
The dataset includes lower secondary girls and boys enrolment number for 2012/12. The data is extracted from Flash I Report (2069) 2012-13 published by Department of Education.... -
Higher Secondary Level Girls and Boys Enrolment (2012/13)
The dataset includes higher seconday girls and boys enrolment for 2012/13.The data is extracted from Flash I Report (2069) 2012-13 published by Department of Education....