Google Play statistics 201501
Google Play app statistics: installs, ratings, crashes. Per version, carrier, country, device, language, OS version. -
Wikivoyage listings as CSV
A selection of the most traveller-friendly museums, attractions, restaurants, hotels, for each destination of the globe. Data can be edited wiki-style at https://en.wikivoyage.org -
Snow Lebanon Mzaar Data
Snow Data for Lebanon Mzaar Station -
2013-2014 Annual Report Newport News Real Estate Assessor's Office
2013-2014 Annual Report City of Newport News Real Estate Assessor's Office Reference: http://www.nngov.com/277/Real-Estate-Assessor Original Dataset:... -
Tsukuba Knowledge Resources (TKR)
Knowledge resources provided by Institutes in Tsukuba Science City, Japan. -
Senarai Masjid Malaysia
Senarai Masjid Malaysia yang dikumpulkan daripada pelbagai sumber. -
1994 CO Daily Summary Concentrations Virginia-Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-...
1994 CO Daily Summary Concentrations Virginia-Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC CBSA via EPA.gov: http://www.epa.gov/airdata/ad_data_daily.html -
Council Budgets
This dataset has no description
Teahouse corpus
The Teahouse corpus is a set of questions asked at the Wikipedia Teahouse, a peer support forum for new Wikipedia editors. This corpus contains data from its first two years of... -
A Week in the Life of a Browser - Version 2
Mirror of the datasets from the MozillaLabs TestPilot project: A Week in the Life of a Browser - Version 2 Test name: A Week in the Life of a Browser – Version 2. Test... -
2013-2014 Crime Statistics Williamsburg, Virginia
2013-2014 Crime Statistics Williamsburg, Virginia via: http://www.williamsburgva.gov/Index.aspx?page=218 -
Kenya - Geolocalized Power Facilities 2014
Installed and Effective Capacities (MW) per Power Facilities 2014. Data complied from the Kenya Power annual report 2014 (Data submitted on 30.06.2014); the Kenyan Energy... -
Aid Projects
Overview: Explore Canadian foreign aid as curated by the Canadian International Development Platform (CIDP - follow at cidpnis.ca). For direct access to CIDP's Canadian Aid... -
Wikilinks RDF/NIF
The Wikilinks corpus is a coreference resolution corpus of very large scale. It contains over 40 million mentions of over 3 million entities. Mentions are manually labeled links... -
2014 Global Nutrition Report Dataset
The 2014 Global Nutrition Report Dataset contains data for all the indicators that were used in Global Nutrition Report 2014: Actions and Accountability to Accelerate the... -
Malawi Aid Projects
Geocoded data on aid projects from the Government of Malawi's Aid Management Platform. It includes sub-national geocodes for approximately 550 aid projects undertaken in Malawi... -
DCCCD Check Register
Dallas County Community College District Check Register data extracted from the PDF's on the DCCCD.edu website:... -
2009 Income Characteristics - Newport News, Virginia
2009 Income Characteristics - Newport News, Virginia. -
Datos agregados del Indice Barrial de Precios (IBP). Aggregated data from IBP (Neighborhood prices index) -
Diferentes IPC de Argentina -
2014 Commercial Sales by Use - York County, Virginia
2014 Commercial Sales by Use - York County, Virginia -
2015 Fiscal Year Expenditure Line Item Budget Report grouped by Fund, Departm...
2015 Fiscal Year Expenditure Line Item Budget Report grouped by Fund, Department - Virginia Beach, Virginia via the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia -
2014 Demographic Profile for Norfolk and the Hampton Roads Region of Virginia
Demographic Profile for Norfolk and the Hampton Roads Region of Virginia via http://norfolk.gov -
Parks in the City of Portsmouth, VA
Parks in the city of Portsmouth, Virginia -
2014 Demographics - City of Norfolk, Virginia
2014 Demographics - City of Norfolk, Virginia via http://norfolk.gov/