Deutsche Nationalbibliografie (DNB)
The Linked Data Service of the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, DNB) has expanded and includes bibliographic data since January 2012. As a first step, the... -
Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND)
GND stands for "Gemeinsame Normdatei" (Integrated Authority File) and offers a broad range of elements to describe authorities. The GND originates from the German library... -
British National Bibliography (BNB) - Linked Open Data
British National Bibliography (BNB) published as Linked Data by the British Library, linked to external sources including: VIAF, ISNI, LCSH, Lexvo, GeoNames, MARC country, and... -
National Library of Greece Authority Records
This is the National Library of Greece Authority Records Dataset in Linked Data form. -
B3Kat - Library Union Catalogues of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg
Joint Union Catalogue of 200 academic libraries in the german states of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg. The data contains descriptions of 26Mio. titles and 60Mio. holdings... -
hbz Union Catalog
The raw open data of the hbz library catalog is daily updated and consists of dumps from the German hbz Union Catalog consisting of ca. 19 million records. The data is licensed... -
Public Library of Veroia
Public Library of Veroia Linked Open Data Project. This is the first effort of a Greek Library to expose it's Bibliographic Data as Linked Open Data. -
Sudoc bibliographic data
Source : Sudoc Sudoc is the French academic union catalogue, maintained by ABES Size : 10 millions bibliographic records Documentation Vocabularies : Dublin Core, FOAF, BIBO,... -
VIAF: The Virtual International Authority File
VIAF (Virtual International Autority File) is an OCLC dataset and service -- built in cooperation with national libraries and other partners -- that virtually combines multiple... -
English Language Books listed in Printed Book Auction Catalogues from 17th Ce...
The books are those listed in the English language section of Dutch printed book auction catalogues of collections of scholars and religious ministers. In some cases, the prior... -
BibBase.org facilitates the dissemination of scientific publications over the Internet. BibBase makes it easy for scientists to maintain their publications pages. As a... -
lobid-Bibliographic Resources
lobid-resources is a service which offers access to metadata in RDF about bibliographic resources (books, articles, pdfs etc.) with more than 19 million frbr:manifestations with... -
IdRef: Sudoc authority data
Source : IdRef IdRef is a Web application dedicated to Sudoc authority data. Sudoc is the French academic union catalogue, maintained by ABES. IdRef promotes the use of these... -
Library of Congress Subject Headings
LCSH has been actively maintained since 1898 to catalog materials held at the Library of Congress. By virtue of cooperative cataloging other libraries around the United States... -
NTNU special collections
The digitized historical manuscripts held in the special collections of the Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU). The data is a catalogue of manuscripts held by... -
Project Gutenberg
Overview: Project Gutenberg is the first and largest single collection of free electronic books, or eBooks. Statistics: Over 100,000 titles, some duplication, of course.... -
CORE - Semantic Similarity of Open Access publications
The CORE dataset contains information about similarities between scientific papers stored across Open Access repositories. The similarities are calculated using Natural Language... -
Talis Aspire - Harper Adams University College
Course reading lists from Harper Adams University College. -
Talis Aspire - University College London
Course reading lists from University College London. -
Mathematics Subject Classification
The Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC2010) as a Linked Open Dataset using SKOS - Simple Knowledge Organization System. The Mathematics Subject Classi?cation (MSC) is a... -
Talis Aspire - Queen Mary, University of London
Course reading lists from Queen Mary, University of London. -
Talis Aspire - Nottingham Trent University
Course reading lists from Nottingham Trent University. -
Talis Aspire - University of Sussex
Course reading lists from the University of Sussex. -
Talis Aspire - Brunel University
Course reading lists from Brunel University. -
Talis Aspire - University of Central Lancashire
Course reading lists from the University of Central Lancashire.