Persée in RDF
data.persee.fr is a triplestore opened in 2017. It gathers all the metadata produced by Persée and makes it available in a structured way (RDF graph) according to the semantic... -
Influence Tracker Dataset
Datasets regarding the Influence Tracker (http://www.influencetracker.com) service. The SPARQL endpoint can be found at http://www.influencetracker.com:8890/sparql . -
data-hnm-hu - Hungarian National Museum Datasets
Open linked data from the Hungarian National Museum. The following datasets and subsets are available: Collections (dataset, short name: colls) Bibliographic Data of the... -
Muninn World War I
The Muninn Project is a multi-disciplinary, multi-national, academic research project investigating millions of records pertaining to the First World War in archives around the... -
DBpedia.org is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated... -
ChEMBL-RDF (@ Uppsala University)
RDF version of the CC-SA-BY ChEMBL database by the team of John Overington at the EBI, Hinxton/UK (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/). -
InterPro is an integrated database of predictive protein 'signatures' used for the classification and automatic annotation of proteins and genomes. InterPro classifies sequences... -
Scholarometer is a social tool for citation analysis, which provides a service to scholars by computing citation-based impact measures. Scholarometer data provides information... -
School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton
Note: The number of triple is a wild guess based on the 2600 RDF documents found in Sindice and an assumption of ~20 triples per page.http://rdf.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ontology/ecs# -
About Data exposed: Linguistic Data Size of dump and data set: ~40MB Openness Download dump: CC-BY-SA 3.0 license The web service additionally provides some parts that are not... -
The Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) collects and organizes information about the molecular biology and genetics of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SGD contains a variety... -
WordNet 2.0 (W3C)
Presents a standard conversion of Princeton WordNet to RDF/OWL. It describes how it was converted and gives examples of how it may be queried for use in Semantic Web... -
Edinburgh University Theatre Company Productions
A dataset of productions put on by the Edinburgh University Theatre Company past and present, including linked cast & crew lists. -
HomoloGene is a system for automated detection of homologs among the annotated genes of several completely sequenced eukaryotic genomes. -
TheSoz Thesaurus for the Social Sciences (GESIS)
The Thesaurus for the Social Sciences (Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften) contains about 12,000 entries, of which more than 8,000 are descriptors (authorised keywords) and about... -
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD) project includes data on gene characterization, nomenclature, mapping, gene homologies among mammals, sequence links, phenotypes, allelic... -
BBC Programmes
TV & Radio programme broadcasted by the BBC -
STW Thesaurus for Economics
The thesaurus provides vocabulary on any economic subject: about 6,000 standardized subject headings and about 18,000 entry terms to support individual keywords. You can also... -
VIVO Indiana
Information about Indiana University faculty and staff across, available as RDF dump and Linked Data. Currently populated with information about members of the VIVO team at IU,... -
BBC Wildlife Finder
Information about: wildlife biota (kingdom > Species) habitats adaptations ecozones Data includes: IUCN conservation status background descriptions photos BBC news... -
PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. -
VIVO University of Florida
VIVO is a resource of the University of Florida that provides information on people, departments, facilities, courses, grants, and publications. Information is available as... -
iServe: Linked Services Registry
iServe is the place on the Web where linked data meets services. In a nutshell, iServe is a platform for publishing Semantic Web Services as linked data, no matter their... -
Metoffice Weather Forecasts
Weather forecast data screenscraped from pages like http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/os/kirkwall_forecast_weather.html and converted to Linked Data New forecasts for... -
DBpedia in Greek
DBpedia is a "community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated...