ThIST is the Italian Thesaurus of Sciences of the Earth, which has been exposed as Linked Data in the context of LusTRE, a framework currently under development within the EU... -
The Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus (EARTh) has been compiled and is maintained by the CNR-IIA-EKOLab to facilitate the indexing, retrieval, harmonizing and... -
Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
The GNIS contains information about physical and cultural geographic features in the United States and associated areas, both current and historical (not including roads and... -
Farmers Markets Geographic Data (United States)
Longitude and latitude, state, address, name, and zip code of Farmers Markets in the United States, converted to RDF format. References 154 URIs in DBPedia, GovTrack, and... -
World Factbook (FU Berlin)
A partial RDF conversion of the CIA World Factbook, package:cia-world-factbook. -
Fishes of Texas
The Fishes of Texas Project is a multi-year research project that attempts to consolidate, standardize and fully georeference all of the known scientific information on the... -
2000 U.S. Census in RDF (rdfabout.com)
2000 U.S. Census converted into over a billion RDF triples. Population statistics at various geographic levels, from the U.S. as a whole, down through states, counties,... -
Street level crime reports for England and Wales
The data presented here is a linked data representation of the street-level crime reports first released for England and Wales in 2011. Initial data exports cover December 2010,... -
Traffic Scotland
Data from http://trafficscotland.org converted to RDF regularly. Currently the data is only the current incidents, but hopefully this should expand. -
Renewable Energy Generators
The Renewable Energy Federation maintains an online database of renewable energy generators located in the United Kingdom. The dataset consists of over 5500 generators around... -
Yahoo Geoplanet RDF
This is a Linked Data version of the publically available data dumps from the Yahoo! GeoPlanet database. GeoPlanet helps bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by... -
GeoWordNet is a semantic resource built from the full integration of WordNet, GeoNames and the Italian part of MultiWordNet. GeoWordNet Public Dataset contains 3,698,238... -
TaxonConcept Knowledge Base
Species are known by many different names. The TaxonConcept Knowledge Base provides informative Linked Open Data URI's for species concepts that improve the quality and... -
Finnish municipalities and regional classifications
An RDF vocabulary describing Finnish municipalities and many regional classifications, including Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Provinces... -
Weather Stations
Airports producing METAR weather reports with URI scheme based on (pseudo-)ICAO (and IATA) codes (with raw original codes as skos:notation) interlinked with OurAirports,... -
Ocean Drilling - Janus Age Models
A collection of age models for the Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) drilling sites. These can be used... -
Ocean Drilling - Codices
Codices: Drill Site and Expedition Data Codices exposes general site data (location, depth, recovery, etc) along with publication links and other associated data. We are still... -
Linked Sensor Data (Kno.e.sis)
Datasets for sensors and sensor observations, created at Kno.e.sis Center, and converted from weather data at Mesowest. Contains descriptions of 20 thousand weather stations and... -
Metoffice Weather Forecasts
Weather forecast data screenscraped from pages like http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/os/kirkwall_forecast_weather.html and converted to Linked Data New forecasts for... -
GeoNames Semantic Web
The GeoNames Ontology makes it possible to add geospatial semantic information to the Word Wide Web. All over 6.2 million geonames toponyms now have a unique URL with a... -
Twarql encodes information from microblog posts as Linked Open Data in order to enable flexibility for those interested in collectively analyzing microblog data for sensemaking.... -
Linked Eurostat (OntologyCentral)
A mediator that translates original Eurostat files to RDF at lookup time. Total dataset size approx. 40 million triples. Updated twice daily. Includes visualisation demos at... -
European Nature Information System
EUNIS consists of information on species, habitat types and sites. -
Accommodations in Piedmont (LinkedOpenData.it)
List of accommodations in Piedmont, Italy. The dataset uses GoodRelations and vcard and includes addresses, contact information (where available) and geo-reference. Note:... -
Eurostat in RDF (FU Berlin)
This dataset contains several statistical indicators for European countries and NUTS Level-2 Regions (NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). Most statistical...