Enipedia - Energy Industry Data
Enipedia is an active exploration into the applications of wikis and the semantic web for energy and industry issues. Through this we seek to create a collaborative environment... -
Workforce Jobs
Workforce Jobs (WFJ) is a quarterly measure of the number of jobs in the UK and is the preferred measure of the change in jobs by industry. It is a compound source that draws... -
Workplace Employment by Industry, Borough
Employment (workplace) by industry from the Business register and employment survey (BRES). This data excludes self-employed but includes proprietors Employment = employees +... -
Number of Businesses by Detailed Industry, 2, 3 and 4 Digit SIC
Estimates of total businesses broken down by industry (2, 3, 4 digit SIC 2007 codes and industry section). Workplace data units from Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) for London... -
Census 2001 Key Statistics 11: Industry of Employment
Census Key Statistics Table KS11: Industry of Employment. Other includes; other community; social and personal service activities; private households with employed persons and... -
GLA Employment Projections
2015 Projections Data GLA Economics presents updated interim employment projections for London by sector to 2036. We also provide trend-based employment projections for London... -
2013 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Industry Median Wage
This data, derived from the 2013 ACS, shows the professional, scientific, and technical industry median wage at tract level for Jefferson County. -
Budgetary and Economic Statistics
Statistics of Budgetary and Economic Statistics from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Economy - Government Revenue and Expenditure from the Department of Finance... -
Earnings and Labour Costs
Statistics of Earnings and Labour Costs from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Labour Market and Earnings - Earnings from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Classifications:... -
National Accounts Output and Value Added by Activity
Statistics of National Accounts Output and Value Added by Activity from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Economy - National Accounts from the Central Statistics Office (CSO)... -
Principal Socio-Economic Census Results
Statistics of Principal Socio-Economic Census Results from www.statcentral.ie under the theme People and Society - Population from theCentral Statistics Office (CSO)... -
Industrial Production and Turnover Indices
Statistics of Industrial Production and Turnover Indices from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Business Sectors - Industry from the Central Statistics Office (CSO)... -
Small Business in Ireland
Statistics of Small Business in Ireland from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Business Sectors - Services from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Classifications:... -
Census of Industrial Production - Enterprises
Statistics of Census of Industrial Production - Enterprises from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Business Sectors - Industry from the Central Statistics Office (CSO)... -
Air Emissions
Statistics of Air Emissions from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Environment, Climate and Energy - Environment from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Classifications:... -
Industrial Product Sales (Prodcom)
Statistics of Industrial Product Sales (Prodcom) from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Business Sectors - Industry from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Classifications:... -
Principal Economic Status and Industries
Statistics of Principal Economic Status and Industries from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Labour Market and Earnings - Labour Market from the Central Statistics Office... -
Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables
Statistics of Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Economy - National Accounts from the Central Statistics Office (CSO)... -
Industrial Stocks
Statistics of Industrial Stocks from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Business Sectors - Industry from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Classifications: Stock Industry... -
Capital Assets in Industry
Statistics of Capital Assets in Industry from www.statcentral.ie under the theme Business Sectors - Industry from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Classifications:... -
Tobacco Wiki
About From website: Welcome to TobaccoWiki, the online research project to which anyone can contribute. We need your help to mine the millions of pages of previously-secret,... -
Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Information Service (NINIS) Data Catalogue
About List of datasets is available as XLS file: Datasets_Available_On_Ninis.xls Re-use Click use license. -
IT job offers in germany
This dataset has no description
Buy It Like You Mean It
Buy It Like You Mean It is a non-profit volunteer community of people sharing information about the socially responsible aspects of their purchases. Choices for sustainable and...