Persée in RDF
data.persee.fr is a triplestore opened in 2017. It gathers all the metadata produced by Persée and makes it available in a structured way (RDF graph) according to the semantic... -
BibBase.org facilitates the dissemination of scientific publications over the Internet. BibBase makes it easy for scientists to maintain their publications pages. As a... -
Hellenic Police
The Hellenic Police project encompasses efforts to extract valuable information from Greek Open Data originating from the Ministry of Public Order & Citizen Protection and... -
GeoSpecies Knowledge Base
Data exposed: Information on Biological Orders, Families, Species as well as species occurrence records and related data The data set currently contains information and linked... -
iServe: Linked Services Registry
iServe is the place on the Web where linked data meets services. In a nutshell, iServe is a platform for publishing Semantic Web Services as linked data, no matter their... -
Italian Museums
List of geo-referenced italian museums. Places are linked to Geonames. Museum categories are linked to dbpedia. More info at http://www.linkedopendata.it/datasets/musei -
Accommodations in Piedmont (LinkedOpenData.it)
List of accommodations in Piedmont, Italy. The dataset uses GoodRelations and vcard and includes addresses, contact information (where available) and geo-reference. Note:... -
ISTAT Immigration (LinkedOpenData.it)
Statistical data about immigration in Italy and related topics. Original data comes from the National Statistical Institute of Italy (ISTAT, dati.istat.it) and has been put in... -
DBTropes.org is a Linked Data wrapper for the TVTropes.org community wiki. It contains descriptions of numerous movies, books, and other items, and associates these with tropes... -
Product Types Ontology
The Product Types Ontology provides GoodRelations-compatible OWL DL class definitions for ca. 300,000 types of product or services that have an entry in the English Wikipedia -
Hellenic Fire Brigade
The Hellenic Fire Brigade project encompasses efforts to extract valuable information from Greek Open Data originating from the Ministry of Public Order & Citizen Protection... -
Italian public schools (LinkedOpenData.it)
Contains addresses, type, contacts and other info about more 50.000 public schools in italy. The dataset is currently in alpha stage: its quality needs to be improved and... -
DBpedia in Japanese
DBpedia Japanese is a part of the DBpedia internationzation effort. Datasets of DBpedia Japanese are generated from dump data of Wikipedia in Japanese and include links to other... -
The Clarity program introduces for the first time in Greece the obligation to publish all the decisions on the Internet, with the exception of decisions that contain sensitive... -
The OpenMobileNetwork is a dataset for mobile networks and devices, which is semantically modeled using the Linked Data principles. It provides structured RDF data describing... -
Linked Open Senate (linkedopendata.it)
Contractors and suppliers of the Senate of the Italian Republic in 2010. More details are available at http://www.linkedopendata.it/datasets/los The ontology is documented at... -
Linked Open Camera (LinkedOpenData.it)
Contractors and suppliers of the chamber of deputies in italy in 2010. More details are available at http://www.linkedopendata.it/datasets/loc The ontology is documented at... -
Kallikratis municipalities
The Kalikratis municipalities project represents an attempt to retrieve useful information from Hellenic municipalities of Kalikratis program. Kalikratis program, is called the... -
Accommodations in Tuscany (LinkedOpenData.it)
List of accommodations in Tuscany, Italy. The dataset uses GoodRelations and vcard and includes addresses, contact information (where available) and geo-reference. Note:... -
Postal codes Italy (LinkedOpenData.it)
List of postal codes in Italy. Includes street names, city and administrative regions.