BibBase.org facilitates the dissemination of scientific publications over the Internet. BibBase makes it easy for scientists to maintain their publications pages. As a... -
dbpedia lite
dbpedia lite takes some of the structured data in Wikipedia and presents it as Linked Data. It contains a small subset of the data that dbpedia contains; it does not attempt to... -
Italian Museums
List of geo-referenced italian museums. Places are linked to Geonames. Museum categories are linked to dbpedia. More info at http://www.linkedopendata.it/datasets/musei -
GovWILD - Government Web Integration for Linked Data
GovWILD integrates Open Government Data about politicians, parties, government agencies, funds, companies, and industrial leaders into a clean and consistent data set. This... -
Accommodations in Piedmont (LinkedOpenData.it)
List of accommodations in Piedmont, Italy. The dataset uses GoodRelations and vcard and includes addresses, contact information (where available) and geo-reference. Note:... -
ISTAT Immigration (LinkedOpenData.it)
Statistical data about immigration in Italy and related topics. Original data comes from the National Statistical Institute of Italy (ISTAT, dati.istat.it) and has been put in... -
DBTropes.org is a Linked Data wrapper for the TVTropes.org community wiki. It contains descriptions of numerous movies, books, and other items, and associates these with tropes... -
Linked User Feedback
The Linked User Feedback (LUF) dataset contains user-generated feedback in the form of ratings, comments and taggings, which are gathered via an API that third party... -
Product Types Ontology
The Product Types Ontology provides GoodRelations-compatible OWL DL class definitions for ca. 300,000 types of product or services that have an entry in the English Wikipedia -
SmartLink: Linked Services Non-Functional Properties
SmartLink exposes Linked Data about publicly available Web services and Web APIs. In particular, the SmartLink data set extends existing service description schemas with a... -
National Digital Data Archive of Hungary (partial)
This dataset aims at publishing the contents of Hungarian archives as Linked Open Data based on the National Digital Data Archive of Hungary. The dataset contains information... -
The Near dataset provides "near" links connecting points of interest that are geographically close to each other. The data set currently cross-links items in DBpedia, Geonames... -
Data exposed: ontology focused on bibliography data of publications from DBLP with additions that include affiliations, universities, and publishers Size of dump and data set:... -
This dataset is composed of events and media descriptions associated with these events. It is obtained from three large public event directories (last.fm, eventful and upcoming)...