Source : theses.fr theses.fr is the french dissertations search engine, maintained by ABES Licensing : not yet, but will be as open as possible NB : The RDFa of theses.fr is... -
IdRef: Sudoc authority data
Source : IdRef IdRef is a Web application dedicated to Sudoc authority data. Sudoc is the French academic union catalogue, maintained by ABES. IdRef promotes the use of these... -
Source : Calames Calames is the French academic union catalogue of archives and manuscripts, maintained by ABES Licensing : not yet, but will be as open as possible NB : in... -
Eurostat in RDF (FU Berlin)
This dataset contains several statistical indicators for European countries and NUTS Level-2 Regions (NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). Most statistical... -
The London Gazette - Gazettes Data
About From website: The London Gazette, Official Newspaper of Record for the United Kingdom plays a major role in the information infrastructure for government, with 175,000... -
Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Dataset
The LAK dataset provides access to structured fulltext and metadata from key research publications in the field of learning analytics and educational data mining (see... -
A SPARQL endpoint of Taiwan Indigenous People provides Taiwan Indigenous people information, including 6 major subjects : Ethnic, Culture, Travel, Gourmet, Ceremony and... -
Swedish Open Cultural Heritage
SOCH is a set of 3.4 million (as of december 2010) cultural heritage objects harvested from a large number of museums and other local, regional and national cultural heritage... -
GoogleArt wrapper
The GoogleArtProject is a place to explore museums from around the world, seeing and learning about the artwork they contain. It is a cool service, offering very high res images... -
Linked Open Data about Chile and the political environment of the country. Some important graphs published are: Legislative norms, International treaties (linking countries to...