A social network of active Lotico Semantic Web community members, provided as RDF via resolvable URIs and a SPARQL endpoint. -
Data exposed: a large life sciences data set about proteins and their function. -
UniProt UniRef
The UniRef databases provide clustered sets of sequences from UniProt Knowledgebase (including splice variants and isoforms) and selected UniParc records, in order to obtain... -
ChEMBL-RDF (@ Uppsala University)
RDF version of the CC-SA-BY ChEMBL database by the team of John Overington at the EBI, Hinxton/UK (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/). -
IEEE Papers (RKBExplorer)
This dataset has no description
A wrapper for the Library of Congress' LCCN Permalink service which models the MARCXML output as linked data in RDF. -
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Corporate Ownership RDF Data (rdfabout)
Data exposed: corporate ownership Size of dump and data set: 1.8 million triples Notes: also found in the of SPARQL Endpoints -
DBTune.org John Peel sessions RDF server
RDF conversion of a dataset released by the BBC, about the John Peel sessions, a long-lived series of live music performances on BBC Radio 1, hosted by DJ John Peel. -
World Factbook (FU Berlin)
A partial RDF conversion of the CIA World Factbook, package:cia-world-factbook. -
CiteSeer (Research Index) (RKBExplorer)
This dataset has no description
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (RKBExplorer)
Linked Data version of the data supplied from Budapest University of Technology and Economics. -
Enipedia - Energy Industry Data
Enipedia is an active exploration into the applications of wikis and the semantic web for energy and industry issues. Through this we seek to create a collaborative environment... -
DEPLOY (RKBExplorer)
This dataset has no description
RISKS Digest (RKBExplorer)
This dataset has no description
Fishes of Texas
The Fishes of Texas Project is a multi-year research project that attempts to consolidate, standardize and fully georeference all of the known scientific information on the... -
St. Andrews University Resource Lists
Search for lists, modules & courses Browse hierarchy | Recent changes -
Scholarometer is a social tool for citation analysis, which provides a service to scholars by computing citation-based impact measures. Scholarometer data provides information... -
RDF data about the canon of Western Classical Music, aggregated and to some extent hand curated by Chris Cannam of the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary University of... -
ePrints3 Institutional Archive Collection (RKBExplorer)
Linked Data version of a number of eprints3 archives. -
School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton
Note: The number of triple is a wild guess based on the 2600 RDF documents found in Sindice and an assumption of ~20 triples per page.http://rdf.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ontology/ecs# -
Reference data for linked UK government data: People Departments Namespace for various time intervals (separate sub-package package:data-gov-uk-time-intervals) Linked Data API... -
ESD Standards: Controlled lists for the UK public sector
Standard controlled vocabularies used within the UK public sector. -
Linked Movie DataBase
Data exposed: Linked Data about Movies Size of data set: 6,148,121 triples. Openness: Open Mixture of material from Wikipedia, Freebase and Geonames and states on... -
This dataset has no description
VIAF: The Virtual International Authority File
VIAF (Virtual International Autority File) is an OCLC dataset and service -- built in cooperation with national libraries and other partners -- that virtually combines multiple...