A social network of active Lotico Semantic Web community members, provided as RDF via resolvable URIs and a SPARQL endpoint. -
Reference data for linked UK government data: People Departments Namespace for various time intervals (separate sub-package package:data-gov-uk-time-intervals) Linked Data API... -
Linked data about administrative areas used within UK government official statistics. The various areas are typed using classes in the following namespaces:... -
Edinburgh University Theatre Company Productions
A dataset of productions put on by the Edinburgh University Theatre Company past and present, including linked cast & crew lists. -
OpenEI - Open Energy Info
About From website: Open Energy Info is a platform to connect the world?s energy data. It is a linked open data platform bringing together energy information to provide... -
BBC Wildlife Finder
Information about: wildlife biota (kingdom > Species) habitats adaptations ecozones Data includes: IUCN conservation status background descriptions photos BBC news... -
NTNU special collections
The digitized historical manuscripts held in the special collections of the Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU). The data is a catalogue of manuscripts held by... -
Transport-related linked data from data.gov.uk. Namespace for roads Namespace for stations Namespace for airports Road traffic statistics (SCOVO) -
DBpedia in Greek
DBpedia is a "community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated... -
Linking Italian University Statistics Project
The MIUR is the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and each year publishes a set of useful information about the University student data. The LOIUS project... -
Linked data about schools, nurseries and universities within the UK: Namespace for research institutionhttp://education.data.gov.uk/doc/institutions; populated with... -
BBC Music
BBC Music is a team working in the department of Audio and Music Interactive at the BBC. Responsible for the BBC Music website - the portal site to music content across the BBC... -
Research-related data from data.gov.uk: Namespace for research projects Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded projects Medical Research Council... -
Swedish Union Catalogue. Swedish National Bibliography and authority data. The National Bibliography and authority data is part of Libris, the Swedish Union Catalogue, and the... -
Revyu.com - Review Anything
Universal review site. RDF-based API, SPARQL endpoint. -
The London Gazette - Gazettes Data
About From website: The London Gazette, Official Newspaper of Record for the United Kingdom plays a major role in the information infrastructure for government, with 175,000... -
Business-related data from data.gov.uk: Namespace for companies; this appears to have entries for all companies registered at Companies House. Part of package:data-gov-uk. -
Yovisto - academic video search
Yovisto is a video search engine specialized in academic lecture recordings and conference talks. Unlike other video search engines, Yovisto provides a time based video index,...