Gemeenschappelijke Thesaurus Audiovisuele Archieven ? Common Thesaurus Audiov...
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision http://portal.beeldengeluid.nl/ is the Dutch archive for public broadcast television. They employ the GTAA, which is a Dutch... -
ThIST is the Italian Thesaurus of Sciences of the Earth, which has been exposed as Linked Data in the context of LusTRE, a framework currently under development within the EU... -
The Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus (EARTh) has been compiled and is maintained by the CNR-IIA-EKOLab to facilitate the indexing, retrieval, harmonizing and... -
A social network of active Lotico Semantic Web community members, provided as RDF via resolvable URIs and a SPARQL endpoint. -
Data exposed: a large life sciences data set about proteins and their function. -
British National Bibliography (BNB) - Linked Open Data
British National Bibliography (BNB) published as Linked Data by the British Library, linked to external sources including: VIAF, ISNI, LCSH, Lexvo, GeoNames, MARC country, and... -
The CIARD RING is a global directory of datasets and data services for the agri-food sector. It is the principal tool created through the CIARD initiative to allow information... -
YAGO3 is a huge semantic knowledge base, derived from Wikipedia WordNet and GeoNames. Currently, YAGO3 has knowledge of more than 10 million entities (like persons,... -
Amsterdam Museum as Linked Open Data in the Europeana Data Model
The Amsterdam Museum dataset describes more than 70.000 cultural heritage objects related to the city of Amsterdam described by the museum. The metadata was retrieved from an... -
B3Kat - Library Union Catalogues of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg
Joint Union Catalogue of 200 academic libraries in the german states of Bavaria, Berlin and Brandenburg. The data contains descriptions of 26Mio. titles and 60Mio. holdings... -
Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) Gazetteer
The Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) Gazetteer containing about 8 million places and their toponyms and uses the ADL Feature Type Thesaurus for typing. Contains co-reference... -
Muninn World War I
The Muninn Project is a multi-disciplinary, multi-national, academic research project investigating millions of records pertaining to the First World War in archives around the... -
DBpedia.org is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated... -
The Semantic Quran dataset is a multilingual RDF representation of translations of the Quran. The dataset was created by integrating data from two different semi-structured... -
GovAgriBus Denmark
In this collection we publish the Danish agricultural data sets integrated with the central company registry (CVR) data and make it available to the public via SPARQL endpoint.... -
Europeana Linked Open Data
All Europeana datasets can be explored, accessed and downloaded through the Europeana API at http://labs.europeana.eu. The data is represented in the Europeana Data Model (EDM).... -
Greek Wordnet
Greek lexical database. Links to package:vu-wordnet and package:w3c-wordnet . -
Ecuadorian geospatial LD dataset -
IEEE Papers (RKBExplorer)
This dataset has no description
DBTune.org John Peel sessions RDF server
RDF conversion of a dataset released by the BBC, about the John Peel sessions, a long-lived series of live music performances on BBC Radio 1, hosted by DJ John Peel. -
World Factbook (FU Berlin)
A partial RDF conversion of the CIA World Factbook, package:cia-world-factbook. -
CiteSeer (Research Index) (RKBExplorer)
This dataset has no description
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (RKBExplorer)
Linked Data version of the data supplied from Budapest University of Technology and Economics. -
Web NDL Authorities - National Diet Library of Japan
Name authorities and subject headings of Japan's National Library are provided as Linked Data. Each record is described with such vocabularies as SKOS, SKOS-XL, DC and RDA... -
Enipedia - Energy Industry Data
Enipedia is an active exploration into the applications of wikis and the semantic web for energy and industry issues. Through this we seek to create a collaborative environment...