Public Library of Veroia
Public Library of Veroia Linked Open Data Project. This is the first effort of a Greek Library to expose it's Bibliographic Data as Linked Open Data. -
A wrapper for the Library of Congress' LCCN Permalink service which models the MARCXML output as linked data in RDF. -
DBTune.org John Peel sessions RDF server
RDF conversion of a dataset released by the BBC, about the John Peel sessions, a long-lived series of live music performances on BBC Radio 1, hosted by DJ John Peel. -
DBTune.org Magnatune RDF server
Magnatune is an independent music label, allowing people to buy records for as much as they want. This package contains the Magnatune catalog in RDF format. The converted RDF... -
SPARQL access According to this page, there should be a SPARQL endpoint at this location, but it refuses any request with a 403 Not Authorized error. -
DBTune.org Jamendo RDF Server
Description The package holds data from package:jamendo converted to RDF, available under the same license than the raw Jamendo data itself. The package also holds links towards... -
DBTune.org Artists: Last.fm
Description This service provides an RDF representation of music artists and their similar artists based on the Last.fm API. Responses are linked with identifiers from... -
MARC Codes List
Currently provides the MARC codes (http://www.loc.gov/standards/valuelist/) for languages, geographic areas, countries and forms of musical composition. -
Open Election Data Project
This is the official list of registered political parties sourced from the Electoral Commission's website. The Resource URI refers to the linked-data resource URI that should be... -
ProductDB is the Linked Data view of ProductWiki a resource for free, unbiased product reports written by a dedicated community. ProductDB extracts structured information from... -
dbpedia lite
dbpedia lite takes some of the structured data in Wikipedia and presents it as Linked Data. It contains a small subset of the data that dbpedia contains; it does not attempt to... -
Open Library data mirror in the Talis Platform
Modeled using the JSON data dumps from the Open Library (http://openlibrary.org/data/ol_dump_latest.txt.gz). Provides a SPARQL endpoint and OpenSearch interface (with RSS 1.0... -
flickr? wrappr
The flickr wrappr extends DBpedia with RDF links to photos posted on flickr. For each of the 1.95 million DBpedia concepts, the wrappr generates a collection of flickr photos... -
Surge Radio
Has RDF descriptions of featured artists and tracks, derived from package:musicbrainz -
A service that delivers RDF-based structured descriptions of Web addressable resources in a variety of formats through Generic HTTP URIs. The underlying technology is Virtuoso's... -
UK Postcodes
Linked data for every UK Postcode. License Content is licensed under the OS OpenData License -
RDFizing and Interlinking the EuroStat Data Set Effort
The statistical data published on riese was originally published by Eurostat. Openness: Open (?) About page has cc-by on page but not clear whether this applies to data. Page... -
Many vulnerabilities, attacks and controls semantic data of knowledge collected from OWASP, CWE and CAPEC communities. Our main objective is to improve the security that is... -
A bibliographic dataset about the publications of Hedatuz database, mantained by Euskomedia Fundazioa (foundation that shares cultural and research contents in basque language).... -
GenBank is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences. -
MusicBrainz (zitgist.com)
RDF for artists, records, performances etc., generated from package:musicbrainz. -
RDFohloh is a RDFizer of Ohloh. It provides Linked Data from Ohloh. Using content negotiation, the RDF data can be founded serialized in XHTML+RDFa, RDF/XML and N3, and... -
D2R Server publishing the DBLP Bibliography Database, hosted at L3S Research Center -
GoogleArt wrapper
The GoogleArtProject is a place to explore museums from around the world, seeing and learning about the artwork they contain. It is a cool service, offering very high res images... -
Berlin Offener Haushalt
Bund Offener Haushalt shows the complex data of Berlin's budget. It also gives access to the data in an open and re-usable format. part of package:offener-haushalt