TAXREF-LD: Linked Data French Taxonomic Register
TAXREF-LD is the Linked Data representation of TAXREF (https://inpn.mnhn.fr/programme/referentiel-taxonomique-taxref?lg=en), the French national taxonomical register for fauna,... -
Persée in RDF
data.persee.fr is a triplestore opened in 2017. It gathers all the metadata produced by Persée and makes it available in a structured way (RDF graph) according to the semantic... -
ThIST is the Italian Thesaurus of Sciences of the Earth, which has been exposed as Linked Data in the context of LusTRE, a framework currently under development within the EU... -
The Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus (EARTh) has been compiled and is maintained by the CNR-IIA-EKOLab to facilitate the indexing, retrieval, harmonizing and... -
Relations for Reusing (R4R) Ontology
R4R is a light-weight ontology for representing general relationships of resource for publication and reusing. It asserts that a certain reusing context occurred and determined... -
Test Site, LOD Lab 317
Sample linked data converted from Union Catalog of Digital Archives Taiwan. -
A linked open data repository of Canadian Masters and PhD-level theses created by the Canadian Linked Data Initiative. - Une base de données liées de thèses de Maîtrise et... -
Muninn World War I
The Muninn Project is a multi-disciplinary, multi-national, academic research project investigating millions of records pertaining to the First World War in archives around the... -
The Orlando Women's Writing Linked Open Data Set
A linked open data set created from the original entries of the Orlando Project, an ongoing collaborative experiment in the use of computers to engage in women's literary history. -
DBpedia.org is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated... -
PeriodO Period Gazetteer
PeriodO is a gazetteer of scholarly definitions of historical, art-historical, and archaeological periods. It eases the task of linking among datasets that define periods... -
Europeana Linked Open Data V1.0
data.europeana.eu started as an experimental pilot in February 2012 with a small number of data providers who committed at an early stage to Europeana's initiative of promoting... -
Open linked data from the Library and Museum of ARTIUM -
Farmers Markets Geographic Data (United States)
Longitude and latitude, state, address, name, and zip code of Farmers Markets in the United States, converted to RDF format. References 154 URIs in DBPedia, GovTrack, and... -
IEEE Papers (RKBExplorer)
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CiteSeer (Research Index) (RKBExplorer)
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Budapest University of Technology and Economics (RKBExplorer)
Linked Data version of the data supplied from Budapest University of Technology and Economics. -
InterPro is an integrated database of predictive protein 'signatures' used for the classification and automatic annotation of proteins and genomes. InterPro classifies sequences... -
DEPLOY (RKBExplorer)
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RISKS Digest (RKBExplorer)
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ePrints3 Institutional Archive Collection (RKBExplorer)
Linked Data version of a number of eprints3 archives. -
Sudoc bibliographic data
Source : Sudoc Sudoc is the French academic union catalogue, maintained by ABES Size : 10 millions bibliographic records Documentation Vocabularies : Dublin Core, FOAF, BIBO,... -
About Data exposed: Linguistic Data Size of dump and data set: ~40MB Openness Download dump: CC-BY-SA 3.0 license The web service additionally provides some parts that are not... -
This dataset has no description
English Language Books listed in Printed Book Auction Catalogues from 17th Ce...
The books are those listed in the English language section of Dutch printed book auction catalogues of collections of scholars and religious ministers. In some cases, the prior...