Czech National Open Data Catalog in DCAT-AP v1.2
The catalog can be browsed at https://data.gov.cz -
Czech Business Entity identification numbers and names
File with all Czech business entity names and their identification numbers -
Institutions of public power of the Czech Republic
This dataset contains detailed information about every institution of public power in the Czech Republic -
List of Czech data boxes
Data box is a verified electronic mailbox mandatory for all companies and voluntary for individuals for communication with the Czech public administration. -
Registry of territorial identification, addresses and real estate of the Czec...
Dataset contains linked data version of the registry of territorial identification, addresses and real estate of the Czech Republic -
Summary types of Czech institutions of public power
This dataset contains summary types of Czech institutions of public power -
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Corporate Ownership RDF Data (rdfabout)
Data exposed: corporate ownership Size of dump and data set: 1.8 million triples Notes: also found in the of SPARQL Endpoints -
Institutions and Bodies of the European Union
This site defines Linked Data compatible URIs for major institutions and bodies of the European Union that can be used as identifiers in EU-related datasets.... -
Street level crime reports for England and Wales
The data presented here is a linked data representation of the street-level crime reports first released for England and Wales in 2011. Initial data exports cover December 2010,... -
TWC: Linking Open Government Data
The Tetherless World Constellation (TWC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) maintains Linked Open Government Data (LOGD), an RDF version of the datasets published by... -
EnAKTing Mortality Dataset
UK's Mortality data per region for the year 2008/09, delivered by the UK Home Office. Provenance of this dataset:... -
EnAKTing Population Dataset
Data extracted from the census data provided by UK's Office for National Statistics grouped by parliamentary constituencies. Dates from mid 2001 to mid 2007. -
European Employment Services (EURES)
EURES (European Employment Services) is a cooperation network designed to facilitate the free movement of workers within the European Economic Area (Switzerland is also... -
EnAKTing Energy Dataset
UK's Road Transportation consumption data provided by the UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform ( BERR). This data covers the whole UK territory from 2002... -
Finnish municipalities and regional classifications
An RDF vocabulary describing Finnish municipalities and many regional classifications, including Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment Provinces... -
Open Election Data Project
This is the official list of registered political parties sourced from the Electoral Commission's website. The Resource URI refers to the linked-data resource URI that should be... -
EU: fintrans.publicdata.eu
The names of the beneficiaries of ca. ?10 billion of grants and other forms of support, awarded (in budgetary terms: 'committed') by the Commission every year, either directly... -
RDF version of the official case law dataset of the Netherlands Council of the Judiciary (at http://www.rechtspraak.nl). It contains approximately 145k descriptions of court... -
Metoffice Weather Forecasts
Weather forecast data screenscraped from pages like http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/os/kirkwall_forecast_weather.html and converted to Linked Data New forecasts for... -
Linked EDGAR (OntologyCentral)
Wrapper for SEC Edgar data, (which are the legal submissions, usually by publicly floated companies, to the Securities and Exchanges Commission, USA). Currently providing XBRL... -
GovWILD - Government Web Integration for Linked Data
GovWILD integrates Open Government Data about politicians, parties, government agencies, funds, companies, and industrial leaders into a clean and consistent data set. This... -
GovTrack.us U.S Congress Legislative Data
U.S. Congress data including all Members of Congress since the beginning of the United States, legislative data including bills, sponsorship, roll call votes since around 1990. -
EnAKTing CO2 Emission Dataset
UK CO2 Emission data extracted from the spreadsheet 'Local and Regional CO2 Emissions Estimates for 2005-2007', produced by the UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change. -
Eurostat in RDF (FU Berlin)
This dataset contains several statistical indicators for European countries and NUTS Level-2 Regions (NUTS: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). Most statistical... -
ISTAT Immigration (LinkedOpenData.it)
Statistical data about immigration in Italy and related topics. Original data comes from the National Statistical Institute of Italy (ISTAT, dati.istat.it) and has been put in...