Extracts of wiktionary data for several languages, structured as an RDF graph, based mainly on the LEMON model. Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek,... -
FAO geopolitical ontology
The FAO geopolitical ontology provides a master reference for geopolitical information, as it manages names in multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese,... -
RDF version of the bilingual dictionary UA-ES. The original dataset (in CSV) comes from... -
State Examinations
Statistics of State Examinations from www.statcentral.ie under the theme People and Society - Education from the State Examinations Commission Classifications: Subject... -
Our xLiD-Lexica dataset in RDF (http://km.aifb.kit.edu/resources/xLiD-lexica.nt) contains about 300 million triples of cross-lingual groundings. It is extracted from Wikipedia... -
Spanish Verb Database
Fred Jehle, formerly a professor at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, published approximately 600 verbs, fully conjugated in all moods and tenses, on his website...