Persée in RDF
data.persee.fr is a triplestore opened in 2017. It gathers all the metadata produced by Persée and makes it available in a structured way (RDF graph) according to the semantic... -
GovAgriBus Denmark
In this collection we publish the Danish agricultural data sets integrated with the central company registry (CVR) data and make it available to the public via SPARQL endpoint.... -
ChEMBL-RDF (@ Uppsala University)
RDF version of the CC-SA-BY ChEMBL database by the team of John Overington at the EBI, Hinxton/UK (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/). -
TaxonConcept Knowledge Base
Species are known by many different names. The TaxonConcept Knowledge Base provides informative Linked Open Data URI's for species concepts that improve the quality and... -
Hellenic Police
The Hellenic Police project encompasses efforts to extract valuable information from Greek Open Data originating from the Ministry of Public Order & Citizen Protection and... -
mEducator: Linked Educational Resources
The "mEducator - Linked Educational Resources" exposes linked data about publicly available educational Web resources. A light-weight RDF schema is exploited together with... -
SmartLink: Linked Services Non-Functional Properties
SmartLink exposes Linked Data about publicly available Web services and Web APIs. In particular, the SmartLink data set extends existing service description schemas with a... -
ePrints Harvest (RKBExplorer)
The data here comes from harvesting ePrints Open Archives, as listed at http://roar.eprints.org. There is a list of the 190 repositories we have managed to harvest. We can't... -
Procomún SPARQL
SPARQL endpoint with learning objects oriented to teachers, scholars and students. http://procomun.educalab.es/ -
PreMOn (Predicate Model for Ontologies)
PreMOn (Predicate Model for Ontologies) is a linguistic Linked Data resource representing predicate models such as PropBank, NomBank, VerbNet and FrameNet. PreMOn consists of an... -
DURAARK - Linked Building Data
Linked Data generated about buildings and structured, generated as part of DURAARK project. -
Academic Offer of UNL
Datos relacionados con la oferta académica de la Universidad Nacional de Loja: Areas, Carreras, Módulos, Docentes, Asignaturas -
Europeana SPARQL
Europeana EDM data loaded to OWLIM, with SPARQL and visualization. Continuing development as part of @eCreativeEU -
Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Dataset
The LAK dataset provides access to structured fulltext and metadata from key research publications in the field of learning analytics and educational data mining (see... -
Yale Center for British Art
Welcome to the Yale Center for British Art's Linked Open Data service: http://britishart.yale.edu/collections/using-collections/technology/linked-open-data This service provides... -
Energy efficiency assessments and improvements
This is a linked dataset (in RDF) for demonstrating the power of linked data, through linking data about energy efficiency assessments from Sweden and the US. Additionally, the... -
Open Data of Ecuador
Open Data Ecuador Linked Open Data includes data about intellectual production of Ecuador. The data was published in RDF format according to the design issues of Linked Open... -
Serendipity Linked Open Data includes data about OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources. The data was published in RDF format according to the design issues of Linked... -
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Linked Open Data
Linked Open Data from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Loja, Ecuador includes data about its academic structure. The data was published in RDF format according... -
2001 Spanish Census to RDF
This site offers information of the conversion process of a 5% sampling of the 2001 Spanish census from a plain useless format to RDF, a semantic representation supported by... -
TED Talks
Metadata and transcripts of TED talks (www.ted.com). -
SparqlEndpoints - ESW Wiki
List of sparql endpoints (which therefore implicitly list datasets). -
Public Record Office Victoria Semantic Wiki
Public Record Office Victoria is the archives of the State Government of Victoria, Australia. We hold approximately 100kms of records from the mid 1830s to today, which we... -
INTERVALUE data using LOD principle. INTERVALUE project (http://www.urenio.org/intervalue/) aims to bridge the gap between R&D creators, producers, financiers and marketers... -
The Statistical Office of Cantabria (Instituto Cántabro de Estadística, ICANE) is the public agency in charge of production and diffusion of statistical data about all aspects...