OxPoints (University of Oxford)
OxPoints is the University's geospatial, temporal and organisational RDF store. OxPoints aims to contain information about most political and built entities within the... -
DBLP Bibliography Database in RDF (FU Berlin)
This is an RDF conversion of DBLP. The DBLP database provides bibliographic information on major computer science journals and conference proceedings including the WWW2006. The... -
Educational programs - SISVU
Semantic ISVU (SISVU) aims to thoroughly describe study programmes offered by ISVU - The Information System of Higher Education (Croatian acronym: ISVU). ISVU integrates data on... -
Linking Italian University Statistics Project
The MIUR is the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and each year publishes a set of useful information about the University student data. The LOIUS project... -
Linked data about schools, nurseries and universities within the UK: Namespace for research institutionhttp://education.data.gov.uk/doc/institutions; populated with... -
mEducator: Linked Educational Resources
The "mEducator - Linked Educational Resources" exposes linked data about publicly available educational Web resources. A light-weight RDF schema is exploited together with... -
Italian public schools (LinkedOpenData.it)
Contains addresses, type, contacts and other info about more 50.000 public schools in italy. The dataset is currently in alpha stage: its quality needs to be improved and... -
Yovisto - academic video search
Yovisto is a video search engine specialized in academic lecture recordings and conference talks. Unlike other video search engines, Yovisto provides a time based video index,... -
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (RKBExplorer)
This repository contains data supplied from Vytautas Magnus University. -
School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton
Semantic repository that contains and publishes co-reference information, forming the underlying distributed storage model behind the RKB Explorer initiative. -
COLINDA - Conference Linked Data
COLINDA -COnference LInked DAta This data set is linked to GeoNames, DBPedia and DBLP (L3S). Includes information about scientific conferences and their location including... -
The Achievement Standards Network (ASN) provides open access to machine-readable representations of learning objectives published by education agencies and organizations. This... -
TERENCE Reading Comprehension Dataset
This dataset was created by the European project TERENCE (http://terenceproject.eu). TERENCE dataset includes a collection of narrative stories especially created for (hearing... -
Nature Publishing Group - ALL
Bibliographic data from around 900,000 articles published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG) from 1845 through to the present day. Additionally the datasets include NPG products... -
D2R Server publishing the DBLP Bibliography Database, hosted at L3S Research Center -
Open Data from the Italian National Research Council
data.cnr.it is an initiative of the Italian National Research Council aimed to provide public access to the information of the CNR organization. Keywords are: transparency,...