Ontology Engineering Group (UPM)
The Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) is based at the Computer Science School at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Our main research areas are: Ontological Engineering, (Social) Semantic Web and Linked Data, Natural Language, Semantic e-Science and the Future Internet. The group has developed applications in a wide range of domains, including knowledge management, software Application Lifecycle Management, e-commerce, job and funding search, geo-localisation, R&D project management, etc.
Special mention deserves Linked Data applications in partnership with the National Geographic Institute of Spain (GeolinkedData), the Spanish National Library (datos.bne.es), Prisa Digital (El Viajero) and Fundeu (Terminesp). In addition, OEG maintains the Spanish chapter of DBpedia, and has participated and is currently participating in many standardization activities at the W3C such as the Linked Data Platform specification, PROV-O provenance ontology, Sensor Network Ontology, Ontolex model for ontology-lexica, Best practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data. We have also participated in ISO/TC 37 Committee activities within the SC 4 and in the ISO/TC 37/TCG /Terminology Coordination Group.