Government of Sierra Leone Online Repository
The GoSL Online Repository contains data on all Mineral Rights, Export Licenses and related Payments. Forestry Rights and exports will also be made public here soon. This system... -
Horn of Africa Aid Map
This site features the work of members of InterAction, a coalition of U.S.-based NGOs, in the Horn of Africa. Horn of Africa Aid Map is part of NGO Aid Map, a broader mapping... -
Financial Tracking Service (FTS)
The FTS is a global, real-time database which records all reported global international humanitarian aid. Details The FTS is a global, real-time database which records all... -
Diseño web ¿Lo hago yo o contrato?
En la actualidad, casi el 90% de las empresas españolas tienen presencia en internet, ya sea a través de su página corporativa o a través de tiendas online. El problema es que... -
Belgium Aid database
A database of all aid projects undertaken by Belgium -
Linked Brazilian Amazon Rainforest Data (LBARD) dataset. For more information about the dataset structure and vocabulary used, please visit the following sources. OLA - Open...