Pokedex data in RDF
Description Linked data on all Pokemon in the Pokedex Note this dataset is no longer updated, it was taken off-line during the shutdown of Kasabi. A dump of the dataset has been... -
Traffic Scotland
Data from http://trafficscotland.org converted to RDF regularly. Currently the data is only the current incidents, but hopefully this should expand. -
Renewable Energy Generators
The Renewable Energy Federation maintains an online database of renewable energy generators located in the United Kingdom. The dataset consists of over 5500 generators around... -
Yahoo Geoplanet RDF
This is a Linked Data version of the publically available data dumps from the Yahoo! GeoPlanet database. GeoPlanet helps bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by... -
Open Library data mirror in the Talis Platform
Modeled using the JSON data dumps from the Open Library (http://openlibrary.org/data/ol_dump_latest.txt.gz). Provides a SPARQL endpoint and OpenSearch interface (with RSS 1.0... -
Data Incubator: MusicBrainz
An RDF conversion of the PostgreSQL database dumps made available by the MusicBrainz project (package:musicbrainz) and hosted under the Talis Connected Commons scheme. It... -
NASA Space Flight & Astronaut data in RDF
Description Conversion of various NASA datasets into RDF, starting with the spacecraft data from the NSSDC master catalog. This dataset consists of a conversion of the NASA... -
Bricklink is an unofficial lego marketplace. Essentially it is the EBay for lego, where you can buy or sell anything to do with Lego. The lego community maintain a number of... -
Moseley Folk Festival Data
Description Artist information for the Moseley Folk Festival from 2006-2009, in RDF. Note this dataset is no longer updated, it was taken off-line during the shutdown of Kasabi.... -
Discogs in RDF
This dataset contains information about audio recordings, including commercial releases, promotional releases and bootleg or off-label releases. Discogs is one of the largest... -
Prelinger Archives
The Prelinger Archives is a collection of films relating to U.S. cultural history, the evolution of the American landscape, everyday life and social history. It was physically... -
Foodista is a community edited recipe wiki, published under a Creative Common Attribution license. The wiki contains information on foods, tools, techniques, and recipes. This...