LODsyndesis Dataset

This dataset contains the results of measurements that were performed for several Linked Open Datasets on 25/04/2018. We collected 400 RDF datasets and we measured the number of common real world entities, triples, properties classes and literals among any combination of these datasets. This particular dataset contains the number of common real world entities, triples, classes, properties and triples between each pair, triad and quad of datasets (combinations among 2, 3, and 4 datasets). The results are published in the following formats:(a) csv and (b) ttl by using voidwh ontology (http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/vocabs/voidwh).

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source www.csd.uoc.gr
Author Michalis Mountantonakis
Maintainer Michalis Mountantonakis
Version 2.0
Last Updated December 23, 2019, 22:28 (UTC)
Created February 28, 2016, 15:00 (UTC)
LODsyndeis Website www.ics.forth.gr/isl/LODsyndesis/
Triples 99221766
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