Wikipedia user preferences

Data on user preferences set by active Wikipedia editors.

Active editors are defined as registered users with at least 5 edits per month in a given project. The dumps were generated on 2012-10-10 and include data for the top 10 Wikipedias (de, en, es, fr, it, ja, nl, pl, pt, ru).

For each project, 4 different data dumps are available:

[project]_active_20121010.tsv The list of active editors whose prefs were extracted, along with their edit count in the 2012-09-10 - 2012-10-10 period. This is non-aggregate, public data. Note that bots and globally attached users are included.

[project]_prefs_all_20121010.tsv Unique user count for preferences set to non-empty value. Note that the way in which MediaWiki and various extensions handle defaults is not always consistent, sometimes a record is removed from the table, sometimes it's set to a null value. Any preference with less than 5 occurrences is removed from the dump.

[project]_prefs_0_20121010.tsv Unique user count for preferences set to 0 or an empty string. Same caveats apply as above. This dump includes non-boolean preferences whose value has been set to 0 or empty. Any preference with less than 5 occurrences is removed from the dump.

[project]_prefs_1_20121010.tsv Unique user count for preferences set to 1. Same caveats apply as above. This dump includes non-boolean preferences whose value has been set to 1. Any preference with less than 5 occurrences is removed from the dump.

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Field Value
Author Dario Taraborelli
Maintainer Dario Taraborelli
Last Updated October 11, 2013, 00:10 (UTC)
Created October 12, 2012, 18:14 (UTC)
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