World Bank - Data & Research

Over 15 major datasets at the moment comprising over 2000 indicators. Currently no easy way to automatedly obtain that listing though.

Openness: OPEN

As of April 20th 2010 data is now open (subject to some reservations for specific datasets). See this blog post.


Terms of use summary state:

You are free to copy, distribute, adapt, display or include the data in other products for commercial and noncommercial purposes at no cost subject to certain limitations summarized below.

You must include attribution for the data you use in the manner indicated in the metadata included with the data.

You must not claim or imply that The World Bank endorses your use of the data by or use The World Bank’s logo(s) or trademark(s) in conjunction with such use.

Other parties may have ownership interests in some of the materials contained on The World Bank Web site. For example, we maintain a list of some specific data within the Datasets that you may not redistribute or reuse without first contacting the original content provider, as well as information regarding how to contact the original content provider. Before incorporating any data in other products, please check the list: Terms of use: Restricted Data

The World Bank makes no warranties with respect to the data and you agree The World Bank shall not be liable to you in connection with your use of the data.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author World Bank
Version 1.0
Last Updated October 11, 2013, 00:16 (UTC)
Created December 5, 2007, 19:02 (UTC)
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