CTIC Public Dataset Catalogs
Overview of worldwide data catalogues. -
Web Science Conference (RKBExplorer)
This is one of several semantic repositories that contains and publishes RDF linked data and co-reference information, forming the underlying distributed storage model behind... -
Diverse Italian ReSIST Partner Institutions (RKBExplorer)
This repository contains data supplied from diverse Italian institutions. -
Environment Agency Bathing Water Quality
Bathing water quality assessment data for England and Wales from the Environment Agency. -
Open Data Communities - Lower layer Super Output Areas
This dataset describes the 'Lower layer Super Output Areas' used by the Office for National Statistics for many of its statistical outputs. Example resource:... -
Dataset about geo-localized air quality monitoring stations in Basque Country. It also describes air quality observations from 2000 to 2013 (updated monthly). Data is available... -
Linked Open Piracy
Maritime piracy event descriptions from the International Chamber of Commerce International Maritime Bureau Accessing the dataset SPARQL query form No dereferenceable URIs for... -
UN Hazardous Materials Numbers
UN Numbers are categories of harzardous materials. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_numbers for more details. -
OpenUpLabs Transport
The Transport dataset is based on NapTan and traffic flow data. These datasets are compiled by the Department for Transport. Details on Transport data can be found at... -
TCGA Roadmap
TCGA Roadmap provides an index of the files listed in the TCGA's open access HTTP site as Linked Data. Schema The Schema used to represent resources in the TCGA is available as... -
Semantic Universe Data
Semantic Universe has begun producing linked data for its Enterprise Data World and Semantic Technology Conferences. With these as starting points, it is easy to start to... -
OpenCyc (RKBExplorer)
This domain is different from most of the other rkbexplorer domains. Its sole purpose is to publish the coreference data from OpenCyc provided by David Baxter, from Cycorp Inc..... -
Fundação da Faculdade de Ciencas da Universidade de Lisboa (RKBExplorer)
This repository contains data supplied from Fundação da Faculdade de Ciencas da Universidade de Lisboa. -
Estimated mid-year population 2005
The estimated total population (male and female, all ages) for each Lower layer Super Output Area for mid-year 2005. -
Index of Multiple Deprivation Ranking, 2007
This dataset puts the 32,482 LSOAs into a rank order based on their 2007 IMD score. A rank of 1 is the most deprived. -
Index of Multiple Deprivation, Living Environment Deprivation Domain, Scores ...
This dataset contains the scores for the Living Environment Deprivation Domain of the Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2010. This indicator measures the quality of individuals’... -
Lower Layer Super Output Areas
This dataset provides information on the Lower Layer Super Output Areas for England and Wales, derived from information from the Office of National Statistics. The data is in... -
Linked Open Senate (linkedopendata.it)
Contractors and suppliers of the Senate of the Italian Republic in 2010. More details are available at http://www.linkedopendata.it/datasets/los The ontology is documented at... -
Linked Open Camera (LinkedOpenData.it)
Contractors and suppliers of the chamber of deputies in italy in 2010. More details are available at http://www.linkedopendata.it/datasets/loc The ontology is documented at... -
LinkedGeoData: Aerodromes
An excerpt of the LinkenGeoData-Live dataset containing Aerodromes and Airports as of 2012-01-12. -
INTERVALUE data using LOD principle. INTERVALUE project (http://www.urenio.org/intervalue/) aims to bridge the gap between R&D creators, producers, financiers and marketers... -
Integrated Human Geography Service for LOD by National Geographic Information...
NGII is an open data service system based on an ontology in which spatial information and human geography information are integrated. Collecting and analyzing human geography... -
The Statistical Office of Cantabria (Instituto Cántabro de Estadística, ICANE) is the public agency in charge of production and diffusion of statistical data about all aspects... -
Accommodations in Tuscany (LinkedOpenData.it)
List of accommodations in Tuscany, Italy. The dataset uses GoodRelations and vcard and includes addresses, contact information (where available) and geo-reference. Note:... -
Glastonbury 2011 Programme
This has been screen scraped from the Glastonbury website.