USAGE review corpus
This corpus consists of sentiment annotations of Amazon reviews for different product categories in the languages German and English. The reviews themselves are not part of this... -
Linguistic Metadata (LIME) vocabulary
LIME (LInguistic MEtadata) is a vocabulary for expressing linguistic metadata about linguistic resources and linguistically grounded datasets. The metadata vocabulary has been... -
This is the dataset corresponding to the ItalWordNet as created at the Institute of Computational Linguistic "A. Zampolli" in Pisa. The resource contains single instances such... -
This dataset contains the conversion of the Italian SIMPLE lexicon in different formats including RDF, TTL and a Lemon version of lexical entries with their pointers to senses. -
Details about how this dataset was built are described in the article: Are SKOS concept schemes ready for multilingual retrieval applications? — Diana Tanase and Epaminondas... -
Leipzig Corpora Collection (LCC)
Deutscher Wortschatz contains data generated from newspapers and web resources that are publicly available. The data were collected per language and encompass statistics about... -
Automated Similarity Judgment Program lexical data
ASJP collects 40 words from 5500 languages in a simplified phonetic representation. More background can be found at http://email.eva.mpg.de/~wichmann/ASJPHomePage.htm -
Atlante Sintattico d'Italia (ASIt)
The Atlante Sintattico d'Italia, Syntactic Atlas of Italy (ASIt) enterprise builds on a long standing tradition of collecting and analysing linguistic corpora, which has...