SPARQL Endpoint Status
This dataset is generated by SPARQL endpoints status tool: http://labs.mondeca.com/sparqlEndpointsStatus/index.html It contains availability information (availability, time... -
USAGE review corpus
This corpus consists of sentiment annotations of Amazon reviews for different product categories in the languages German and English. The reviews themselves are not part of this... -
Gipuzkoa Demografia
Gipuzkoako zenbait herriren populazioaren jatorria -
aksw.org Research Group dataset
This dataset contains projects, sub groups, people and pages or the Agile Knowledge Management and Semantic Web (AKSW) Research Group @ University of Leipzig. -
Linguistic Metadata (LIME) vocabulary
LIME (LInguistic MEtadata) is a vocabulary for expressing linguistic metadata about linguistic resources and linguistically grounded datasets. The metadata vocabulary has been... -
linkedarc.net archaeological datasets
linkedarc.net is a Linked Data compliant hosting service for archaeologically themed data. Currently, linkedarc.net hosts the data of a single project, the Priniatikos Pyrgos... -
statistic data for swiss library
This dataset has no description
Linked data on all Pokemon franchise -
VIVO Weill Cornell Medical College
VIVO is a research-focused discovery tool that enables collaboration among scientists across all disciplines. VIVO contains information about researchers associated with the... -
VIVO CU-Boulder
Information about University of Colorado Boulder faculty and researchers across all disciplines, departments and colleges. Available as RDF dump and Linked Data. This is a part... -
VIVO Scripps Research Institute
VIVO is a research-focused discovery tool that enables collaboration among scientists across all disciplines. Browse or search information on people, departments, courses,... -
VIVO Ponce
Ponce School of Medicine is a private medical school located in the city of Ponce in Puerto Rico, U.S. The school is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education... -
UniProt UniPathway
This dataset has no description
UniProt UniParc
Openness Not open. Copyright page states: Copyright 2007-2014 UniProt Consortium. We have chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License... -
UniProt databases
The list of Databases that UniProt links to. -
J-GLOBAL knowledge
J-GLOBAL knowledge beta, including chemical dataset -
Persönliches Profil von Bruno Wenk
Beispiel-Datensatz auf der Basis von FOAF -
This is the dataset corresponding to the ItalWordNet as created at the Institute of Computational Linguistic "A. Zampolli" in Pisa. The resource contains single instances such... -
DKH (Deusto Knowledge Hub)
Deusto Knowledge Hub es un espacio web común a disposición de la comunidad universitaria de Deusto para descubrir y aportar el conocimiento que generan en la actividad diaria,... -
Lion's Den
Lion's Den is a RDF repository of link specifications. Lion's Den is intended to be an open community-driven dataset that allows data publishers to also publish their... -
Drug Data from the Health Insurance Fund of Macedonia
Linked Open Drug Data from the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia. The dataset provides data about the referent (nominal) prices of drugs in Macedonia, along... -
Democratic City RDF dataset
The Brazilian civil society portal Democratic City (Cidade Democrática) is devoted to social participation and has a long history of activity that includes problems and... -
Algorithmic Autoregulation RDF data
This dataset gathers messages of ongoing work from AA (Algorithmic Autoregulation) users. Such messages have the purpose of registering worktime and activity, easing teamwork... -
Participa.br RDF dataset
Participa.br is the Brazilian federal portal of social participation. This dataset is a RDF representation of the Noosfero Postgresql dump from ~July/2014. This dataset presents... -
Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto - YSA
The General Finnish Thesaurus (YSA) contains general, commonly used terms. The thesaurus is widely used in Finnish libraries and other organisations.