Telegraphis Linked Data
Data exposed: Countries, continents, capitals, currencies collected from GeoNames and Wikipedia data. Size of dump and data set: <10k triples a piece Notes: Also has several... -
This dataset contains data obtained through an automatic extraction process from Aragopedia (http://opendata.aragon.es/aragopedia/), and contains information about all the... -
El Viajero's tourism dataset
El Viajero's tourism dataset integrates the various contents from newspapers and digital platforms belonging to the Prisa Digital Group in the domain of news and blogs about... -
Pleiades is a gazetteer for ancient world studies operated by NYU's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World and supported by the US National Endowment for the Humanities.... -
Norwegian geo-divisions
A dataset with Norwegian Administrative Divisions and their administrative centers. -
Lower Layer Super Output Areas
This dataset provides information on the Lower Layer Super Output Areas for England and Wales, derived from information from the Office of National Statistics. The data is in... -
English Index of Multiple Deprivation Score 2010
This dataset contains the main Index of Multiple Deprivation scores for 2010. It was created from data provided by the Department of Communities and Local Government. See here...